A girl named Rosalina

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I never knew her like i should've. I should've been the one to help her, instead i stood along the side lines and watched her being taken advantaged by some guys who i had no control over. The were not humans, they were immortal. And even though i was not some super-powered witch or vampire werewolf demon thing, we had a connection. When she looked at me, she sent me into a trance, like i wasn't myself. My breathing intensified and my eyes turned pitch black, my fingernails grew and my gums bled with every inch my teeth grew. I would black out then wake up with blood all over my body and heads severed from their necks. She would always touch me and brought me back to reality and told me that everything will be alright. "Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise" she would say putting her hands on my face. But this time, it was different, i couldn't change back. She touched me and tried to help, but she flinched when I snapped at her. "R-run Lina, get out o-of her now" I said yeling at her. She slowly began to creep closer to me as i flinched away. "I can help you Chad, i know i can" she cried trying to figure everything out, but that's when the worse possibility happened, i hurt her...

A girl named RosalinaWhere stories live. Discover now