Finally, The Truth

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I couldn't stand being lied to  anymore. With Lauren "loving" me, i didn't know who to love nor believe.

"Chad, your a hybrid" she said unknowingly. She looked at Lina as she nodded in confirmation. I was what, yoy mean to tell me that my dreams, no nightmares are real, so I am going to die by the hand of...of...six witches. I backed uo and ran the opposite direction, but Nayeli was right in front of me. I decided to take a left and run through the forest not knowing where I was going, but at the same time still not caring. I looked back and saw Maria running after me, eyes piercing through me like gunshots. She jumped on me, but i shot forward dodging her by an inch. Then in the distant, i could see Cassandra in front of me, and Nayeli in the back. From Nayeli's end, with arms raise, vines shot towards me and the grasd wrapped around my feet. From Cassandra's end, water from the ocean raised and turned to ice and then shot towards me.

"I'm sorry Chad, i have no choice' Lina said putting her eyes to the moon. Th sun and moon both came out, and i could tell she was getting her energy from the spirits of the sun and moon.

"Buy oym buy oym buy, bonsequi lireh sinsei minye. Omnew sicar susnonete seare." Her vains became more appearent and her eyes turned pitch black. She screamed and released all elements in earth. The wind grabbed my hands and feet, the water flushed my body into a frozen statue, the fire sped up heart, and the ground contained my body from thinking, i was paralyzed. The sisters came together, and set six circles around me on fire, but they immediately went out. A woman wearing all white floated from the sky. She had wings with colored glass, and eyes the color of fresh white wine.

"Children, now you know i raised you better than that" she said breaking the cell around me. I fell to knees gasping for air, thank god she helped me.

"Mother" all of them said taking each others side. This lady didn't seem like a mother, she was to young. She took my hand and we flew into the sky.

"CHAD" Lina called after me, but i was already gone. This lady seemed like a savior to take me away from all the chaos that was occuring below me. She took me to the sky above and i was mesmerized. There was glass sculptures of mermaids and fairies, little winged fairy's flying around, and a throne fit for a god. Wait, i know this place, i read about this place in books, this was Roseland.

A girl named RosalinaWhere stories live. Discover now