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I sped through traffic trying to get to her house, 666 Avery Lane. Her address was written down on a piece of mail in her purse. It seemed like the black Corvette i drove couldn't go fast enough, at least not to the speed i wanted. I turned the car so fast in the pathway so fast, i couldn't get a grip in the dirt. I drove faster into pathway and the further i went into the driveway, the darker it got. I finally arrived in front of their house, at least it looked like a house. The front yard contained six trees three in each side, six gargoyles each between a tree, and six circles, each marked with a letter, L, M, D, N, C, and R. They had six rings connected to them all and at the center, was R. Could this stand for Rosalina. I walked up to the front porch and knocked. The empty hollow sound vibrates the front porch. A girl, not much older than 15 opened the door. Her hair, blue at the top and green at the bottom matched her eye color: green at the top, and blue at the bottom.

"Yes, may I help you" she said, her British accent caught me off guard. She seemed to be holding and object, a doll with only two eyes, no legs feet nor hair, and when she dropped it, everyone came out of their rooms. A woman, two years older than me came out first, her hair red as fire and eyes that match, she had a scar on her face right above her eyebrow, that contoured her face. Another woman, with long white hair stepped out, she had on a boots and jeans, both white, and her shirt had a face of a cat on it, only thing was, the cat's fur seemed to be moving. A woman came from upstairs, wearing a long green hood, the followed behind her and an all black outfit, she had curly deep emerald colored hair. I seen all the woman come out, but then Lina and someone else walked out together. The young woman with Lena had to be about eight , with long blue hair and a pixie cut dress, and then there was Lina. She looked...different, her hair was blonde, gave ao much dimension to her face, she had on black thigh high boots and white jeans, and a black tee. Her hair was curly, and shoulder length.

"Chad?, what are you doing here, why are you" she said stepping in front of the other woman. I noticed the small tattoo on all of the women's hand, a moon and sun.

"Look, whatever you did, or tried to do, it didn't work. I remember everything that happened back at the store, you blasting my ex through the front" I said stepping closer. She pushed me back outside and the women followed and came outside.

"look, I...I didn't mean to, it was an accident" she cried stepping off the porch.I noticed that the women followed her and formed a line next to her, who where they?

"Who are they" I asked pointing to the women standing next to her.

"Lidia" she said pointing to the youngest one. Lidia held on to her teddy bear and snuck behind Lina's leg.

"Maria" she said pointing to the one with the British accent. She stepped towards me and smirked. Her eyes glowed than dimmed down again.

"Danielle" She said pointing to the woman with fire red hair. She nodded then turned away. I could already tell that she was going to be a tough cookie to crack.

"Nayeli" she said pointing to the one wearing green. Her hood seemed to blow a little bit and then the sweet smell of Jasmin floated around in the air.

"Then this is Cassandra" she said pointing to the woman with white hair. It seemed as if, her hair was put together by a million pieces of snow, and her eyes were tiny icicles, then i realized that it was, and it was snowing around her. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize, she was the Queen of Snow.

A girl named RosalinaWhere stories live. Discover now