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His large hands slowly inched in towards my face. He hesitantly peered into my plain brown eyes. My simple sundress ruffled in the wind and the sun was hitting the back of my head. He pulled his hands through my hair tugging at it gently.

"Harry, what are you-" I stammered.

"Shh... Just let it happen Hope."

He placed his index finger under my chin and brought my face closer to his.

My hands rested on his chest as he ducked down, towards me. I couldnt comprehend what was going on. Harry Styles, THE Harry Styles was holding my face about to kiss me.

The corner of his mouth tugged into a small grin. I exhaled slowly, to make sure my nervousness wouldnt be so evident. My heartbeat raced and a slight blush creeped up my neck and onto my cheeks. I couldnt believe what was going on, but I could see Harry becoming nervous. I was engulfed in his dashing emerald eyes. He timidly brought his lips to mine and the world around us faded gradually.


"HOPE" my mom says from outside my doorway, "WAKE UP!"

I groan. My FORHEAD still sweaty from the invigorating dream i just had. It all seemed so real. Harry freaking Styles and I kissed! I realize that yes, it was definently a dream, something that would never come true, but I still enjoyed the thought of us kissing!

I roll over to check my new iphone 5s that I had recently gotten for christmas. The time read 8:45. Crap! I had completely forgotten! Today was the day that I was going to see One Direction live at Madison Square Garden!

I quickly rolled out of my bed, and ran straight over to the bath. I washed my hair and shaved my legs and finished up my bath within 5 minutes.

What was i going to wear today? I grabbed a cute tribal patterned skater skirt, and paired it with a solid white crop top. I loved this outfit together because it showed off my toned legs from volleyball. For my hair, I blow dry'd it and scrunched it into loose beach waves. And to top it off, I applied 2 coats of mascara, and a bit of concealer to a new pimple begginning to form on my forhead.

I texted my friend Alyssa telling her that I was coming to pick her up, and threw on my favorite pair of patent leather black Dr. Martins.

Today was going to be perfect.

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