Chapter 13

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I rush to call 911, and tell them to arrive here as fast as possible, cause I have no idea when the blue eyed man was going to wake up. In fact, i didnt even know IF he would wake up.

For such a sweet, and happy guy, Harry sure knew how to throw a punch. Watching him beat up the man from the safety of my home felt a little sickening.

I knew the man had been carrying a gun, and I shouldn't feel bad, but i honestly did. The way Harry basically punched the life out of him, scared me.

Maybe there was a side to Harry that I didnt know?

Harry spots me from inside and pounds on the door begging to let him in.

As soon as I do, he grabs my face in both his hands and kisses my temple.

His delicate brown curls were matted down with sweat, and his knuckles were stained with blood.

As I stood in his arms for what seemed like forever, I inhaled his sweaty, yet sweet scent. How does one simply be as perfect as Harry Styles?

After the police take the man into their car, and handcuff him, Harry stays at my flat.

"Hope. I was worried sick about you, im sorry i couldnt get there sooner. I was so worried about you babe".

Every time he called me babe, it was like the first. I knew it was a british word, and he probably didnt mean anything by it, but it felt so loving and caring.

"Harry, for the 5th time, I am ok now".

Im honeslty not ok.

My mind was still frazzled by the event that had just taken place. If it wasn't for Harry i could have been potentially killed. He saved me.

Harry Styles saved me.

Harry and I watched 'White Chicks' on netflix, and before I knew it, i could feel my eyelids getting heavier, and begginning to close.

But, right before I fell alseep, I could feel Harry brush my cheek with his lips with a faint smile.

"Goodnight angel" he whispers.


I wake up the next morning to the smell of eggs and bacon in the kitchen.

Was my mom home?

I walk over to where the smells were coming from and Harry sweeps me off my feet and pulls me into a tighthug.

"Good morning sunshine" he says.

I giggle, and peer over to see what he had made.

Sitting on the table, freshly made, were 2 pancakes, a sunny side up egg, and 3 pieces of bacon.

All of this for me?! Hell ya!

"Harry, you didnt have to do this! You're too kind" i say.

"I know i didnt." He says bluntly."but I wanted too". He smiles another one of his cheeky grins.

The way his dimples popped out when he smiled was mesmerizing. If he didnt make it in the music industry, he would have no problem being a model.

The food he made me tasted abselutely amazing. I was starving because I hadn't eaten since the previous afternoon.

I devoured my plate within 5 minutes. i cleaned up my spot and put the plate away in the dishwasher.

"Hey Hope, I really HOPE you dont mind" he says. "but I posted a picture of you sleeping on twitter".

I run over to my phone and look at how many twitter notifications i have. 6,823 follow requests?!

What have I gotten myself into?


This is too long ew

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