Chapter 9

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51 W. Ashton Ave. happened to be one of my favorite Italian restatraunts : Lou's. I had eaten here many times, along with my parents and my sister, Olivia.

Being in these surrounding brought back the time when my father was still alive. We used to gather here on the weekends after church. The countless amounts of food we ate here, and the many, many laughs we had shared together . I just remeber being here as one big happy family, something i didnt seem to have anymore.

After the horrific car crash my dad had gotten into about 2 years ago, my grandparents and i began to fight, and eventually went our separate ways. i haven't seen them for over a year.

I could feel my vision begin to blurr from the tears. I am not sure why i was crying, but I was damn sure not gonna let my stupid memories get in the way of me and Harry.

I check my phone for the time, and it reads 4:10.

...damn, I had been here for an hour! Where the hell was Harry?!

I walk up to the reservation table, wondering wether or not Harry even bothered to make reservations.

"Hey darling, may I help you?" the lady asks me, in a super high pitched squeak. She was way too bubbly.

"Ummm. I'm not sure." I say, as calm as possible. "Do you happen to have any reservations under the name Styles?".

She looks at me and gives me a grin.

"Yes ma'm, right this way!".

I follow her to a back room, sectioned off. Nothing in there but one gorgeous 2 seated table.

On the table was a crisp white table clothe, and gold plates, sparkled to perfection. And to top it off, in the middle of the table were 3 perfectly manicured red roses, in a glass vase.

Did Harry honeslty do this all for me?

Maybe I could forgive him for being an hour late?

I play on my phone alone in the back room for another hour, and begin to get annoyed. He probably just forgot, nothing different then what usually happens. I grab my phone and begin making my way out of the reataraunt.

"Hope" i hear somebody whisper behind me. Thier voice is raspy and its honestly a little bit calming.

Its Harry.

"What do you want" i snap at him. He looks down at the ground and frowns.

"Listen, Hope im sorry! I got stuck in between tons of screaming girls, and paparazzi! Your lucky i got here as soon as I did!" He is shouting now, and people are staring.

"Im lucky...? Im lucky?! Harry I've been here for 2 fucking hours waiting for you to show up! And you couldn't even warm me that you were running late?"

I smirk a little bit to myself, this is the first time ive ever actually stood up to anybody before.

"Im sorry babe" he is slightly more calm now, and my stomach fluttered at the use of the word babe. "I didnt have your phone number, otherwise I would have made sure that I texted you. I would never intentionally make you mad".

I didnt know wether or not i should believe him, but I did.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the reataraunt. The bubbly lady, whos name was kassidy, guided me and Harry back to our table.


Lol i suck ok bye

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