Chapter 6

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My heart was beating out of control. Harry Styles, the pop sensation, the curly haired goddess, the flirt that millions of teenagers were in love with, was standing right before me.

We were backstage for about an hour, and it had mostly been me and Nabeela talking.

"Hey Hope" she says, "Harry was completely into you, I could tell from the first moment he saw you".

How could this be true?

I was a typical girl from New York, and I've never had any interest from any guys at my high school. Let alone a teenage hearthrob!

I had dull brown hair, which curled in all directions, and was about shoulder length. I was about 5'4, which is way too short for my liking. The only thing I could actually admire, were my eyes. They were a radiant green while in the sun, however, they turned a vibrant hazel when exposed to darkness.

Harry and his bandmates were chatting outside his dressing room, hesitantly looking over to me every few minutes.

It even seemed as though they were talking about me...?

Harry began walking over to where me, Alyssa, and Nabeela were standing.

"Hope," he says, "can I talk to you for a mintute babe...alone?"

My mind hadn't processed what he said until Alyssa gave me a small shove and whispered "go get him tiger" and topped it off with a small wink.

I rolled my eyes and grinned before cautiously walking over to where he was standing. I stared at my shoes, not sure of what to say to him.

"Hope, no need to be nervous" he explains, "im just a normal teenage guy that happens to be a millionaire, have millions of screaming girls ready to hop in my pants, and not to forget ; im part of the biggest boyband of your generation". He smiles.

I chuckle at his crude remark, and smile to myself, still uneasy on wether or not i should look up.

"OMG HARRY STYLES I LOVE YOU BABE OMG" i say sarcastically.

He grins, and gives me a small laugh before preceding to get closer to me.

"I like a girl with a bit of humor" he says.

I could feel my cheeks heating up, and getting warmer by the second.

Suddenly, he turns the opposite way and begins to walk away.

I didnt understand why he was talking

to me in the first place. He probably felt bad for me, and was being nice for sympathy. Why had I gotten my hopes up? I thought that a fucking teenage pop star would like me: a regular girl from New York. I could feel the sting in my eyes, and knew that the tears were about to come. Why am I so upset about this!

My thoughts were interupted by Harry turning me around and bringing me into a right embrace.

"Whats wrong babe?" He says while putting on his pouty face.

"N-..nothing Harry im fine".

I begin to walk away again, and realize that he had slipped a small paper into my hand. A note that read ; To hope<3

I grabbed Alyssa's arm and proceded to walk out of the building after saying goodbye to the other people I had met.

We get to the car and I am quite curious as to what Harry had put in the note, but before i got the chance to read it, I drifted into a deep sleep.


HAHAHAHAHAH im a losah

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