Hyperdrive's Shot

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    After trying, and failing many times, the troopers grew concerned that their ship's hyperdrive was acting up. They had successfully managed to enter hyperspace, for a brief moment, when the hyperdrive cut out. Three of the nine troopers went down to check it out. But they hadn't been back since.

    Jyn sat across from the young lads, as one of who spoke of his homeworld. Rau made a point to speak on how the Mandalorians fought for family, and honor. Never for the sake of killing. The Imperials would've stopped him from continuing on had he not been an exceptional story teller. You could almost feel the stale air of Mandator brush your face, as he spoke of the harsh and dying land.

Only semi listening, Jyn stars at the grates on the floor. Suddenly a flash of lights beam through from the other side. "Now's our chance boys!" Jyn shouted. She flew up and flung her wrist restraints down on the head of the closest stormtrooper, knocking him out just as an explosion shook the ship from underneath.
"Ahhhhh!" Blaze shouted as he and Rau charged at and eventually took the blasters of the troopers that were guarding them.

Blaster fire erupted from both ends of the ship, all red, as the ship started to shake even more. Jyn fought her way to the cockpit, were she kicked the backs of the knees of two troopers. She watched them stumble and eventually fall after she knocked them out with a metal beam. She spotted Sevens behind the pilot, who she threw to the ground. He shot at her multiple times, and missed. Jyn broke his arm and relived him of his blaster. She then kicked him with force that threw him at the cockpit window with a thud. He fell to the floor and didn't get back up.

"Empire scum." Jyn mumbled.

As she was about to let out a smile, she looked through the cockpit blast shield, and gasped. The ship was seconds away from crashing into the dry rocky terrain of a planet, that Jyn had no memory of entering the atmosphere of.

Jyn jumped to the controls, and tried as she could, to make sense of it all. She was never good at flying. She hit the first switch on the dashboard, and nearly accepted the death that was before her, and the slowness of her hands. But suddenly a friendly face appeared besides her. Cassian.

He grabbed the controls, and as fast as a sabacc dealer, flipped the switches and caressed the controls to veer the ship away from crashing into a menacing ravine. The ship still wasn't stable, and was taking on more turbulence than was generally seen in this situation. Their ship was going to crash. Whatever Cassian had done to the ship to get Jyn the detraction she needed, he had over done it.

"We're going to crash." She shouted, mater of factly, as if Cassian hadn't the slightest clue.

"I know." Cassian replied.

"Charming." Jyn said with sarcasm.

"Trust goes both ways." Cassian said with a smirk, just as he brought the cruiser towards a small village. As they began to get closer to the village, Cassian took a nose dive down, then quickly up. With some backlash and force left for them, the Captain managed to land the ship a little less than gently, right next door to the village.

After a breath was taken by both of the two, they turned to each other, both with small smiles on their faces.

"Well done. But I'd still call it a crash, a crash landing."

"It was a rough landing, but not a crash."

"Agree to disagree." That settled it.

Without a thought spared towards it, Cassian and Jyn embraced. As if it was the naturalist thing in the galaxy to do at that moment. Safe was the word that came to both their minds as they felt each other's breath on their necks. The embrace lasted long enough to remind them of the last time that they did, and what lead up to that fateful occurrence.

Cassian pulled away slowly. "Jyn--"

"Cassian." Jyn put a finger to his lips, and just looked at his face. A mess of dirt, sweat and blood that wasn't even his. She was so glad to see that face.

He shook his head. "No." He sighed. "Jyn, I--"

"Jyn!" Blaze shouted from the back of the ship.

Jyn and Cassian both turned, stood, and looked to the back, passed a floor scattered with lifeless white armor, to see Blaze holding Rau's limp body in his arms.

Jyn and Cassian rushed over to the two young men. They grabbed Rau's hand to check for his life pulse. There was a very soft, week, response. "He hasn't got much time." Cassian warned.

"Let's go then." Jyn hit the ramp's air lock and drop leaver. "Where does step 2 of your brilliant plan take us?"

"There's a transport here, that will take us to a friend's outpost just beyond that ridge." He pointed south of the village. "But first, we're taking our young friend to the Tusken Raider's healer tent." Cassian continued on walking, as everyone else stopped.

"Did you just say Tusken Raider?"

"Yeah." Cassain said confidently. "Why?"

The Empire's Snare: A Rogue One FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now