Chapter 39

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I was shivering from being drenched in water since I was in the lake. Obito was carrying me because I overexerted myself and we needed to take shelter for the night. I stared into his onyx eyes and I started to blush.

"Don't move around too much," He said. "You really went overboard back there,"

Turns out Kushina just faked her death so she could pull the attacker into a trap. Losing my temper back there wasn't a good idea.

"O-Okay," I stutter. 

Guy and Asuma had the men who attacked us tied up and we reached a secluded spot for the night. 

Kushina questioned them, but it turns out they were being tricked by the man I nearly killed, so she let them go and warned them to stay away from us or she would beat them up herself. They shuddered at her and listened.

They had no idea why they were assasinating King Satoru and Prince Ryota.

"Asuma," Kushina said. "Make sure Hana's wounds are healed,"

He came over and Obito put me down on the ground gently. 

"Kurenai's always making sure I have a med kit with me at all times," Asuma said and started cleaning the gash on my hand. I flinched at how badly it stung and he after he was done, he wrapped it up.

"Well, it looks like she helped us in some way again," I replied.

"You know," Asuma started to lecture. "You need to control that anger of yours. You could've gotten yourself killed. You can't just go charging in a fight without thinking,"

"I know," I sighed as he patched up a few more injuries I had. "I just lost control because seeing her get 'killed' like that made me remember the night I lost my parents,"

Asuma didn't say anything. "Well, we're camping here for the night. Make sure you don't strain your body even more so you can get healed up. Kushina's going to decide what to do with the assassin,"

Guy walked over and sat down next to Obito who was sitting across from me. 

"Are you alright, Rival #2?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Good," He laughed. "Because when Kakashi's not around, I'm going to need Rival #2 to challenge me!"

I chuckled and he walked over to Kushina with Asuma so he could assist her with the rogue ninja who attacked us. Obito was about to say something to me, but then he got cut off.

"My little flower!" Prince Ryota exclaimed with worry. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

He took my injured hand into his and rubbed it. If looks could kill, Obito would've had Ryota dead by now.

He crossed his arms and continued to glare at Ryota. "She needs to rest and she's not your 'little flower' you just met her yesterday,"

"I'm just checking on her. Why are you so protective? Is she your girlfriend or something?" Ryota spat.

My cheeks burned at being called Obito's girlfriend.

"No! She's not!" Obito shouted, pink dusting his cheeks.

The prince rolled his eyes and looked at me. "Will you be okay, Little Flower?"

Obito fumed and Ryota smirked, knowing that he had angered Obito again. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need to rest," I replied. "I am pretty cold though. I probably shouldn't have gone underwater,"

Ryota took off his jacket and Obito practically threw his at me before Ryota could give me his jacket.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now