Chapter 1 *EDITED*

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"Dad? Where are we going?" I asked while we walked through the gates of a new village.

"Remember how I told you your aunt and your uncle live in the Hidden Leaf Village?" He asked, looking down at me.

I nodded.

"We're going to go visit them,"


He held my hand as we walked through the Leaf Village. We reached a house that was even bigger than our apartment back in the Cloud Village. He knocked on the door and a woman with long red hair opened the door.

"Hana, I'm going to leave you with your aunt and your uncle for a little bit, okay?" Dad said and let go of my hand.

I started to tear up. "But Dad, don't go. Why can't I go with you?"

"Hana, I have some business to take care of and I can't take you with me. It'll just be for a little bit Princess, okay? I promise I'll be back."

I nodded and the woman lifted me up. I watched as Dad left.

Out of nowhere, there was a loud banging noise. It continued to get louder and I suddenly felt as if I was falling.

My eyes shot open and I fell off my bed.

"Damn, that hurt," I muttered.

"Hana, it's time to get up!" I heard my aunt calling from my door.

The door suddenly flew open and she looked angry. I sweated nervously.

"I-I'm getting up! Sorry, Aunt Kushina!" I exclaimed, standing up quickly.

Her expression went back to her normal, cheerful self. "Okay! Breakfast is almost ready!"

She walked back out of my room and I sweat dropped. That's my aunt for you. She's got a temper that you never want to be on the receiving end of and she goes back to her cheery self when she gets through to you.

As I changed into my clothes, I couldn't help but be angry at myself for dreaming of that day. There was absolutely no reason for me to even be thinking about that day. It's better if I just push that to the back of my mind again.

Once I got done fixing my hair, I walked out to the living room and the air already smelled really good.

"Good morning Hana," Uncle Minato smiled at me.

He was sitting at the table, reading through some paperwork.

"Morning Uncle," I greeted back and took the seat across from him.

Kushina came out with two bowls of rice with an over-easy egg on top. She even had a cup of milk for me.

"Any plans for the day?" She asked as she went back to grab her bowl.

"Yeah, Kurenai, Obito, and I were going to go check out that new cafe that opened up," I replied. "It's some kind of cat cafe and I want to know what that's about,"

She took the seat next to Minato and we all started eating together.

My mind started drifting off back to the dream I had and I kept trying to suppress any emotion I had about it back down. I hated even remembering my father. 

He used to mean the world to me, but now he's nothing more than a piece of trash. 

He left me here when I was only five, so my aunt and uncle took on the role of being my parents. I wouldn't have any other way though, I loved them more than anything in the world. My aunt used to tell me stories about my mom too and how she was the sweetest woman ever.

I took a deep breath and pushed the memory into the back of my mind again. 

I was now finished with my breakfast, so I took my bowl and my chopsticks to the sink. I wanted one last sip of milk, so I opened the fridge and grabbed the milk carton.

"Don't you even think about it,"

I jumped when I heard Aunt Kushina's voice behind me and put the carton back in the fridge, immediately deciding I didn't need that one last sip.

"I was gonna get a cup this time," I tried to cover myself.

"I'm sure you were," She replied, giving me the mom stare. 

I chuckled sheepishly and she shook her head.

"Well I'm gonna go meet up with Kurenai and Obito now," I said, walking to the door to get my shoes on. 

"Okay, be back in time for dinner." Aunt Kushina said as I left.

I sprinted to our usual meet-up spot, which was one of the training grounds. They were already there.

"So, are we gonna go check out that cafe?" Kurenai asked.

I nodded, "Yup!"

Obito didn't look too pleased having to come with us.

"Do I have to go? I don't even like cats," He complained.

"Yes, you do," I said. "You don't have a choice,"

Kurenai laughed at that. 

"Come on, it won't be that bad," She turned to Obito. "It's just like any other cafe, it just has cats in there,"

"Yeah, they'll have a lot of cookies there too," I added.

"Alright, alright," Obito said. "But these better be the best cookies."

We walked to the cafe after that.

Kurenai was talking about something to Obito, but my mind started shifting back to the dream I had.

I pushed those emotions back once again. 

Even if he abandoned me, I wouldn't change that for anything. Obito became my best friend when I was new in the academy and then I eventually met Kurenai, who later introduced me to Anko.

I didn't even have a reason to be feeling sad about him when I have these great friends and my aunt and uncle. 

"Oh, Hana," Kurenai said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "I forgot to tell you about this guy I met."

She started telling me about this guy and how she thought he was cute. She wouldn't tell me his name though. I could tell Obito felt awkward right now since the topic of boys wasn't interesting to him for obvious reasons. He was looking off to the side, lost in his own thoughts. 


Here's the new edit, and this will be taking place in Kakashi's Gaiden. I'll try to make it as accurate as I can, but this story will have its own story since there's not a lot on Obito and Kakashi's past. 

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