Chapter 43

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Kakashi stood in front of Hajime, who looked completely different from the last time I saw him. He grew his hair out and got way taller. He used to be the shortest guy in our class and he was always so stoic.

He smirked at Kakashi.

"Try not to cry when I embarrass you, Hatake," Hajime smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Looks like he got arrogant," I shook my head. "His ego is even bigger than his height,"

Rin giggled at my insult.

Kakashi didn't even say anything to him and just ignored him, waiting until Inoichi gives the cue to start. This seemed to have irritated Hajime since he was trying to get a rise out of Kakashi.


Hajime was the first to attack and he used a lightning release that clasped around Kakashi's body like chakra strings. I recognized this as the jolt clamp.

"Oh no..." Rin said with worry.

"Oh come on, Kakashi didn't even get a chance to attack him!" Obito exclaimed.

Hajime weaved another hand sign and added something onto the jolt clamp. Kakashi gasped, but then Hajime gasped right after. Kakashi tricked him and turned into a log, meaning that he had used a substitution before Hajime even made the first attack.

How was he that quick?

"Smart move," I remark.

Hajime was knocked to the ground and Kakashi appeared behind him. Hajime tried to use hand-to-hand combat, but Kakashi was able to fend him off flawlessly. Hajime threw taunts and insults at Kakashi, getting vexed when Kakashi didn't respond to it each time.

He attempted to attack Kakashi with another lightning release, but that failed. He continued using ninja tools and even tried to use his physical strength. Kakashi was way smarter than him when it came to fighting him head on.

 Hajime tried to use another jutsu on him, but didn't realize that he was fighting a clone the entire time. That's when Kakashi came up behind him with his lightning chakra concentrated in one hand. 

He was right about it sounding like a thousand birds chirping.

He hit Hajime with his new jutsu and Hajime fell to the ground.

"What the hell?!" Hajime gasped. "How did you do that?"

"You were too focused on trying to land a hit on me rather than trying to find a weakness and use that against me. You tired yourself out and left yourself open," Kakashi crossed his arms. "You could've very well landed a hit on me if you didn't let your ego get to your head,"

I was surprised to see Kakashi like this. I've only seen him act this way a few times.

I was wrong about Hajime improving. In fact, he got worse. It looks like he got way too arrogant over the years so now he doesn't think clearly when he handles an opponent.

Hajime glared at him. "Bastard."

He quickly stood up, attempting to make one last hit on Kakashi. His accuracy was way off and he stumbled from being hit with Kakashi's new jutsu. Kakashi continued to stare at him calmly and Inoichi stepped up.

"Kakashi Hatake of the Leaf wins!"

The crowd roared and applauded.

"Way to go Kakashi!" Rin smiled.

"That's my rival!" Guy shouted.

I cheered for Kakashi and Obito just looked at me, staying quiet.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now