This Heart Beats For You So Kiss Me Again

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So, I decided to do a Taylor York/Tay Jardine fanfic because they're actually really cute together and they have the same name. Umm, I'll try to make this long but not too long to where everybody hates it and stuff. It'll mainly be in Tay's POV with a little bit of Taylor's POV also. Now that that's over, you may read.


*Tay's POV*

"And kiss me again and again and again. Oh kiss me again." Alex and I sang.

"Thank you guys so much we love you! Thank you Alex Gaskarth! Have a great night!" I said into the mic.

We just finished Kiss Me Again and the last concert of our tour. Now, it's time to just chill back and relax.

"Thanks Alex." I said half smiling.

"You're welcome. Well, I should get going. Later guys." He replied.

We all mumbled bye and Jordan walked up to me and asked, "Why did you even date that guy?"

"It was a fling, Jordan." I snapped back.

"Ok a fling. Whatever. But you could've done so much better."

"I know." I whispered.

He grabbed my hand and led me outside behind the venue.

"You know I love you Tay." He said pushing my sweaty hair out of my eyes.

"Yeah." I replied looking in his eyes.

"Good." He mumbled before kissing me.

I kissed back and pulled away.

"We should get back to helping." I murmured.

He nodded and we held hands and helped finished cleaning up.

*On Bus Heading Home*

I'm in my Tonight Alive shirt and Nightmare Before Christmas pajama pants with my hair up in a ponytail on my phone eating some cereal. My phone buzzed and I saw it was Hayley from Paramore.



"Whatcha want punk?"

"Are you up for a tour with us, Tonight Alive and Hey Monday?"

"Yeah. I have to ask the guys cause we're just coming home from touring."

"Ok. Well the tour is in about two months so you can chill until its time to do it all over again."

"Yeah. So, how are you doing? Are you and Chad still an item?"

"Yes Tay we are. What about you and Jordan?"

"Yeah we're still together."

"Why don't you sound happy?"

"Because I'm questioning our relationship. He tells me that he loves me but, I just can't bring myself to say it back. He knows and understands but I'm afraid we're gonna break up and the bands gonna go to waste."

"Well, all I can say is: if it doesn't feel right in your heart, then, you should probably end it before it gets too bad."

"Ok. Thanks Hayley that really helps."

"Welcome. That's what I'm here for. We are besties for a reason."

"Yeah I know. I gotta go. I just finished eating and sleep is callin my name. Bye Hayles."


I hung up the phone and went in my bunk and went to sleep.


Sorry it's short but I do have school tomorrow and I should really be sleep. Sorry this chapter is boring also. Bye guys! P.s I'll add pictures and videos tomorrow after school.

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