You're Not Quite Satan But I Really Think I Hate You Part Two

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"Tay!" I heard someone yell.

I turned around and saw Taylor running up to me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Are you ok?" He asked confused.

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied.

"No you aren't. You're lying to me." He told me.

He tried to grab my arm but I jumped and pulled away.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled and I ran back to the bus.

When I got there, I busted into tears and cried for a good fifteen minutes before I feelt someone stroking my hair and whispered, "Go to sleep Teddy Bear."

I opened my eyes and saw it was Taylor.

"I'm sorry T." And with that I went to sleep.

When I woke up and saw myself in the mirror, I looked like a giant ball of crap.

After I freshened up and got dressed in an ATL shirt and cerulean skinny jeans, I went to the front part of the bus and ate some cereal. I had some Reeses Puffs, the worlds best cereal ever.

Jordan walked up to me and kissed my cheek.

"Hey Tay."

I didn't reply, I only just ignored him.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" He asked grabbing my arm.

"I think you know the answer to that. Let me go." I said sternly getting up. "Let. Me. Go. Jordan."

He let me go and I pushed passed him so I can go to my bunk. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him kissing me forcefully.

I pushed off of him and went to slap him but he grabbed my hand and twisted it to where it was behind my back and he was rising it up higher. I screamed in agony and he whispered in my ear, "Stop fighting Tay. You'll regret it if you do."

He let go of me and pushed me on the ground. When I landed, he stepped over me leaving me on the ground crying. Taylor walked in and he gasped and ran to me.

"Tay! What's wrong? What happened?" He tried touching my arm and I flinched and yelled at him not to touch me.

"Tay? I'm only trying to help-"

"Well stop trying Taylor! I don't want or need your help, so leave me alone!" I screamed running off the bus crying.

When I came back, Hayley was sitting in the bench on the bus with her hands under her chin.

"Hi." I whispered.

"What happened between you and T?" She asked looking at me.

"Nothing." I sighed out. "I'm about to go apologize to him."

"Tay. What's going on with you? One minute you're happy, next minute you're crying, and then you're yelling at your friends. Tay, I really wanna know what's wrong." She told me getting up.

I choked back a sob and Jordan walked through.

"Tay? What's wrong?" He asked.

He walked to me and gave me a hug and I tensed up and he whispered, "Stop tensing up right now."

I relaxed and told Jordan nothing. "Hayley, maybe all of us girls should hang out today."

"We should." She replied smiling.

I did a half smile and Jordan looked at me upset. Hayley and I walked off the bus and I called Jenna and told her what we were gonna do today. We met up with the other girls at a café and they noticed how quiet I was and how a mini bruise was forming on my arm.

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