Exits and Entrances

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Hi so this is gonna be the last chapter of this story because I got writers block for this story. Thanks to all the love and support and blah blah blah. So here it is.

"Tay?" Taylor asked looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Come here." He said hugging me.

I hugged back and breathed in his scent. I looked at him and kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you for everything." I told him.

"You're welcome." He replied smiling.

He kissed me again until Hayley came and broke it up.

"Gross. That is so fluffin gross."


"Aww look at the couple." Jenna said walking to us.

Cassadee walked to us and sat down and stuff.

"Ok Jen." I told her.

"I'm gonna leave now." T said.

"K. Bye doofus." I told him hugging him.

He kissed the top of my forehead and left after saying bye to the girls.

"Ok. You guys need a proper date. He's basically mister right from saving you from the evil clutches of Jordan." Cassadee said.

"Don't talk about Jordan, Cass. He's still my best friend and band mate." I told her.

"And why didn't you have him arrested?" She asked.

"Because I don't want anyone else besides him to sing and play guitar. He's all I want." I explained.

"But Tay-"

"No Hayles! I don't care that he hurt me. I just want him here and nobody else because this is his family and he needs us. I'm not gonna date him again because I have Taylor for that." I explained.

All of the girls nodded and we continued talking until we went in Hayley's house.

I went to her music room and started strumming her guitar.

"Isn't this ironic? In the room where we almost had sex." Taylor said walking to me.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I'm really glad you're ok." He whispered kissing my neck.

I sighed out and my eyes fluttered closed. I leaned my head to the side to give him more access to my neck. I felt his teeth gently graze my neck and I let out a tiny moan. He kissed up to my ear and whispered, "You know I would take you right now but, I'd like to see you naked in my bed."

I blushed and turned my head and crushed my lips to his.

"It took forever but I'm glad that you're finally mine." I told him.

"What? I thought you wanted Jordan."

"I did but every time I was in trouble you were always there. My little savior." I replied leaning into him.

He kissed the top of my head and said, "I'll always be there for you Tay. I'm in love with you after all."

"And I'm in love with you also." I replied hugging him.

We stayed there until Jenna came through.

"Ugh, stop being all lovey dovey and come associate with us. And, I won't tell hayley that you guys were almost having sex in here." She said.

"What?" I asked blushing.

"Yeah I know about that. Jenna knows all. Now come the frick on." She said pulling my arm.

I locked fingers with Taylor's as I let Jenna pull me. When we came into the living room, Jordan was there and I shifted uncomfortably.

"Do you want him here?" Taylor asked whispering in my ear.

"Yeah. He is my best friend and band mate after all." I replied back.

"Yeah, but best friends don't beat each other up out of anger."

"T, just stop. Please?" I asked looking at him.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Your wish is my command."

I laughed at him and rolled my eyes.

"Taylor!" Cassadee yelled.

"What?" Me and Taylor said at the same time.

"Haha! Told you they were gonna do it!" Alex said.

"Whatever Lipshaw." Cassadee said pushing him.

We all laughed and I noticed Jordan looking uncomfortable. I slipped away from Taylor when he started playing the game and went to talk to Jordan outside.

"Jordan." I said.

He turned around and looked at me with a half smile.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Why'd you keep me Tay? Everyone hates me yet you still kept me in the band. Why?" He asked.

"Because I don't want anyone else singing and playing guitar for me. For us. We've been through so much together and I don't wanna have anyone else. You're all I want and need and that's why I still kept you. You deserve to be in WATIC because you've worked so hard." I explained.

"Damn. I really hadn't thought about that." He replied.

"Good." I replied. "But, maybe you should. I gotta go inside. Gotta have some tradition."

We continued talking until we went back inside the house. I felt someone wrap their arms around me and guide me outside.

"You're perfect Taylor Kathleen Jardine." Taylor whispered nuzzling my neck.

"And you're perfect Taylor Benjamin York. I love you so much."

"I love you too." He replied kissing me.

I kissed back enjoying the taste of his lips on mine. We broke apart smiling and I leaned into his chest as we both watched the sunset.

HEY! So, if you read the top part then you'd know that this is unfortunately the end. I'm sorry I don't want it to be but, the writers block I have for this story is unreal and it's better to end while it's still good then to make it complete shit. Hoped you guys love it and I'll update as soon as wattpad stops being shitty right now. Love you guys!

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