I Can't Cry In Your Arms

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"Wake up Taylor Bear." I heard a voice say.

I opened my eyes and saw Jordan staring at me.


"Time to go babe."


I heard Jordan sigh and roll his eyes. "The bus stupid."

"Ouch." I replied feeling hurt.

"I'm sorry babe." He said kissing my forehead.

"It's fine. Just let me get my bags-"

"Everything of yours is on the bus. I had a feeling that you were gonna go back to sleep on the bus so I put all of your girl things and toothbrush and toothpaste on the bus." He explained cutting me off.

"Thanks." I replied getting up. I grabbed my pillow and blanket, put my hoodie on and walked to the bus.

When I got on. I tried finding my bunk and it was right above Jordan's.

"I wanted us to be close." I replied when he saw me looking at the bunks.

"Oh. Well I'm glad." I replied turning around putting some mint gum in my mouth.

"Your purse is up there also."


He looked at me and kissed me on the cheek before he left to go to the front part on the bus. I went in my purse and pulled out my mini bottle of mouthwash. I went in the bathroom and swished my mouth with mouthwash. When I came out, I saw Taylor shirtless.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Our band is sharing a bus with your band and Hey Monday and Tonight Alive are sharing a bus." He replied.

"Oh." "There you go again with that 'oh.' Tay if you aren't interested, then all you have to do is say so."

"Shut up alright?" I asked snapping.

"I guess." He replied walking to me.

I was trapped against his body and the bunks. He felt his hot breath on my neck planting sweet, soft kisses. My eyes fluttereed closed and I let out a small moan when he was kissing my sweet spot. He was kissing up to my ear and he whispered, "Your moans are quite enchanting. Wanna feel what it does to me?"

Before I could answer, he grabbed my hand and put it on his bulge. "That's what you do to me Tay Jardine."

I pushed him off of me and said very sternly, "No! I am not doing this again!"

He smirked and shrugged his shoulders. I went to the front part of the bus and saw Jordan talking to Rob.

"Hey, I thought you went back to-"

But I cut him off in a fierce kiss. I broke away and went to my bunk but not before I saw Taylor glance at me evily.

*Taylor's POV*

Why does she always do that? Everytime I have her right in my hands, she pushes away and goes to that douche bag. Doesn't she see that I'm right for her? She doesn't see the short bursts of anger he takes out on her. She doesn't see the overprotective love he gives her, which is bad. She doesn't see that I'm starting to fall in love with her.

I walked out of the front part and went in my bunk which she doesn't know is right across from mine. She's on her phone texting and I asked, "Why are you such a bitch sometimes?"

"Why are you such a dick sometimes?"

"Don't answer my question with a question." I replied.

She sighed and turned to look at me.

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