Never Be What You Want

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"Taylor!" I squealed.

"What's the matter Tay? Can't take the water?" Taylor asked in a teasing voice.

I shot him im the face with water and said, "No bitch."

We both screamed and we saw that Jeremy and Cassadee sprayed us.

"You snooze," "You lose." Cassadee started with Jeremy finishing it.

Taylor and I both sprayed them and we all ran around at the beach spraying each other with water guns. I was laughing and having fun when we stopped with our water fight. We were now playing in the ocean. (we're in Miami) Taylor came up behind me and picked me up bridal style over his head.

"Aahh! T! Put me down!" I screamed.

"Alright if you say so." He said. And he threw me in the water. I landed with a thud and I swam back to surface.

"Taylor!" I yelled hitting him in the chest.

"Oops?" He said shrugging.

I laughed and we continued playing. Taylor and I hung out all day today and I didn't really mind.

"So, how did the wonderful and talented Tay Jardine, get into music?" He asked me when we were walking around.

"Uh, I don't know. Music has always been a very big part of my family and it was really my dad. He is like the best and I am so grateful for him." I answered smiling.

"That's awesome." He said. "What about you?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" He asked looking at me.

"How did you get into music dumbass?" I asked laughing.

"Oh. I guess the same way as you. My brother and I play guitar together all the time for Paramore and I couldn't have asked for a better brother because he is so great at what he does that he shows me and I guess I'm trying to follow in his footsteps." He answered.

"That's nice." I replied bumping into him on purpose.

"For a small girl, you pretty are strong." He said.

We laughed and continued talking and walking before we got to this clearing looking thing. We sat down and watched the stars. He laid back and I did the same and I curled up next to him. He kissed my forehead and I looked at him. He kissed me and I kissed back after breaking the kiss and laying back down.

It was past midnight and Taylor and I both walked back to the bus.

"There they are!" Hayley exclaimed hugging us.

"Yay?" "Yay? You should be happy for that. I was worried sick about you." She said.

"We're fine Hayles. I promise." Taylor replied chuckling.

"So where were you guys?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah where were you? I was looking for you two." Jeremy asked.

"We were in a clearing watching the stars. We just lost track of time." I answered Jeremy.

I wasn't gonna talk to Jordan.

"You know, I missed hanging out with you Tay." Jordan said coming behind me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

He started squeezing me and no one noticed me breathing hard. He kept squeezing me until I started feeling dizzy.

"Jordan, let go." I whispered. "It's getting hard to breathe."

"Well too damn bad. You're gonna face the consequences." He replied.

He put his fingers in my sides and I hissed. He kept pushing. further and further until I groaned out.

"Tay? Are you alright?" Mike asked.

"Yeah. Just tired."

"How about hungry?" Cam asked.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed." I said breaking away from Jordan. When I did I gasped and ran to the bathroom.

When I entered the bathroom, I lifted up my shirt and gasped. I had a bruise forming on my stomach and side and I started sobbing. That's one more bruise added to my body. I put my shirt down and cleaned my face. I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom. I bumped into somebody and landed on top of them.

"Damn it Tay! Watch where the fuck you're going!" Taylor said.

"How about you? Watch where you're going! If you haven't been going 1,000 miles per hour, then you wouldn't have ran into me." I said.

"Whatever. Now that I think of it, I like this position. It's very naughty." He said with lust filling his eyes a little.

I felt a little poke in me and I smirked asking, "Now, now T. Can't you control yourself?"

"When I'm around you I can't." He replied.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I groaned out in pain.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He asked worried.

"No, it's fine. I'm fine." I answered.

"No you aren't. You have tears forming in your eyes. Tay, what's wrong?"

"Nothing T. I promise." I replied smiling.

"I don't believe you." He said sitting up with me straddling him.

"No, Taylor wait!" I pleaded.

He lifted my shirt up and saw all of my bruises.

"Holy Jesus Christ." He said gasping.

I let all the tears flow.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Jordan asked pissed. "What the fuck are you doing to my girlfriend?" He asked yelling at Taylor.

Taylor got up with me behind him. He had his arm out like he was protecting me.

"I could ask you the same fucking thing! Why does Tay have bruises all over her body? She's your girlfriend you should know!" He asked yelling.

"Maybe you did it today when you guys were hanging out!" He rebutted.

"It wasn't me Jordan! Those bruises look like abusive brusies!" He said.

"Tay, what's going on?" Hayley asked me walking past the two guys.

"Nothing. Please T, just stop!" I pleaded crying.

"No Tay. Are there more?" He asked.

I looked at Jordan and said, "No."

"Tay, don't lie to me. I can see them peeking through your makeup." He told me.

"Come here." Hayley whispered.

She pulled me to her bunk and took off all my makeup.

She gasped and her eyes started shining.

"Taylor." She said to me.

"Hayley, please don't take me up there." I pleaded.

She shook her head and said, "Tay, they have to see this."

We walked back to where everyone is and everyone gasped except for Jordan.

"Tay?" Mike asked.

"Tay, I need you to be brutally honest with us. Did Jordan do this to you?" Hayley asked.

"Yes!" I exploded and started bawling. I sunk to the floor and just stayed there crying.

"Jordan has been abusing me since the start of the tour! I didn't tell anyone because I was afraid. I was afraid of Jordan and how everyone was gonna treat me. You guys, I'll never be what you want! I can't be perfect Tay!" I said crying.


Because of major writing block for this story, I'll just end the story right here. I'll continue it when I get ideas. If you have ideas, PM them to me and I'll use it. Sorry I had to end it right here but I had to.

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