I Noticed Your Eyes Are Always Glued To Me

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*Tays POV*

"Hey guys!" I screamed hugging Cassadee, Hayley and Jenna.

We just finished our break and we were in Tennessee since a gigantic tour bus is gonna take us to places. JK. We were on our own buses but still it doesn't really matter.

"I missed you so much!" Jenna told me breaking away from the hug.

"I've missed all of you!" I exclaimed poking their stomachs. We all laughed and went in Hayley's house.

When we walked in, Taylor was standing in her kitchen with no shirt on and in a pair of black skinny jeans and his hair wet like he just finished taking a shower.

"Eww gross T! Put a damn shirt on!" Hayley yelled throwing him his shirt.

"Aww what's the matter Hayles? Scared you're gonna lose your precious boyfriend?"

"Just shut the hell up already!". She snapped back upset.

"Hello ladies." Taylor said to us smirking.

"Hi." We all waved and I just stared at Taylor's body.

You can tell he's been working out. His chest was just perfect and strong looking, his abs were to die for. They were toned and you could see the lines. And his biceps were just the right size.

"Tay, Tay, Taylor!" Hayley yelled.

"What?" Taylor and I asked at the same time.

"Not you, T, Tay. Tay, I asked if you wanna put your stuff in my room?" She said.

"Yeah." I replied blushing.

I gave Hayley my bags and stuff and followed behind her as she led us three to her room.

"I guess I'll just be outside then!" Taylor cried out after us. Hayley just yelled, "KK!"

"So, are we just gonna crashes her until the bus comes and like picks us up?" I asked.

"We're heading to the airport dipstick." Hayeley replied. "If you weren't drooling over Taylor then you would know."

"I wasn't staring at him." I replied blushing.

"Yeah you were." Cassadee said.

"Shut up." I said lightly punching her in the arm.

We put our stuff up and went in Hayley's music room. All we did was sing and play some songs. Hayley, Jenna, and Cassadee played the guitars while I played the piano. The guys walked in and said we sounded good together. I was staring at Taylor and Jordan walked to me and said we should go for a walk. I nodded and we walked around Franklin.

"So, are you excited for this tour?" I asked.

"Yeah. Can I ask you a question?" He asked stopping to look at me.

I nodded and he asked, "Do you really love me?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I do." I replied chuckling and smiling.

"Then, how come you dont say it when I tell you I love you?" He asked again.

"I just wanted to be sure I love you." I replied.

"Tay, look me in the eye and say you love me."

"I love you Jordan." I said looking him in the eyes. "Now, can we please continuing walking?" I asked kissing him. "Yeah." he replied.

We continued walking until we walked back to Hayley's house. When we walked in, everyone was playing COD Black Ops and Rob yelled, "Come on Jordan! They're playing Black Ops! You're a beast at that!"

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