Misery Business

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"Jordan stop!" I squealed.

He hit me in the face and I could taste blood in my mouth. I started crying again and he grabbed my hair and twisted it. I screamed and he threw me against the wall. I landed with a thud and he kicked me in my side and walked away from me.

"Next time I try to kiss you, don't you ever push me away again. Do you hear me?" He asked through clenched teeth.

I didn't answer and he kneeled beside me and grabbed my hair pulling my head back.

"I asked you a fucking question. Do you understand me?" He asked again.

"Yes." I croaked out.

"Good." And he threw my head down and I hit the floor.

I laid on the floor for a good ten minutes before I fixed up my face and took some painkillers.

There was a knock at my door and I yelled for them to come in.

It was Rob and he sat on my couch.

"Tay, is everything alright?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah. Just Jordan and I going through a rough part. But, we'll get through it." I replied smiling.

"Just know, if anything's wrong, you can talk to me." He said.

I nodded and we hugged before leaving to perfom.

As we were performing, I started feeling dizzy and stuff but didn't pay too much attention to it.

"Tay? Tay?" I saw Taylor shaking me awake.

"Huh? What happened?" I asked sitting up.

"You passed out? You don't remember?" Cassadee asked.

"No. All I remember is Jordan be-" I stopped myself when I saw him stare at me.

"Jordan doing what?" Taylor asked.

"Jordan being a sweetheart. He gave me a massage and told me he was gonna bring me a surprise." I lied smiling.

"I guess that surprise is gonna have to wait then." He said kissing my forehead.

"Aww." I said.

"It's ok. Maybe tomorrow." He told me grabbing my hand. "Can you guys give us a minute?" He asked.

I gulped and Taylor saw the fearful look in my eyes.

"You sure?" T asked.

"You heard Jordan. Just give us a minute and I'll be out. Promise." I told him.

He nodded and left.

"So how much do you really remember about what happened?" Jordan asked squeezing my hand.

"Ow! Let me go Jordan! I told you guys I only remember you 'giving me a massage and saying you have a surprise for me.' Don't worry, no one knows about you being abusive too me." I explained.

"You don't remember about what Taylor did?" He asked squiniting his eyes.

"Maybe if you stopped squeezing my damn hand, I'd be able to fucking remember about whatever the hell happened!" I yelled. He let go and I said, "No, I don't know or remember about what Taylor did. Now, stop asking me questions when I clearly don't remember."

"He ran to your aid and picked you up before I could even take my guitar off. You've been out for about ten minutes and he wouldn't leave your side. I almost believed that you guys were dating." He explained his face turning red.

"Well he'd be a better boyfriend than you'll ever be." I muttered.

He grabbed my arm hard and started squeezing it. I groaned out in pain and he whispered in my ear, "Don't ever say that again." He let go and slapped me again.

He left and I laid on my couch letting the tears fall. I got up and ran to him.

"I wanna break up Jordan!" I screamed.

Everyone looked at us and Jordan stayed calm.

"Why?" He asked.

"Becuase we aren't working out anymore." I told him the tears all flowing out.

He walked to me and grabbed my hands and stared into his eyes, "But I love you Tay. More than anything."

"I know but, maybe we need time apart."

"No." He whispered kissing me.

When we broke apart I said, "I'm sorry Jordan." And I walked to the buses.

*A Week Later*

"Why did you two get back together? I can tell you're afraid of him." Taylor asked.

"Because I love him." I croaked out.

"Bullshit! You don't love him!" "Taylor shut up!" I screamed. "Stop acting like you know me because you don't. Stop acting like you think Jordan and I were never meant to be because we are. I was wrong and scared and he was always there. You're not so leave it at that." I told him.

"Tay, you really are blind aren't you?" He asked.

"What?" I asked irritated.

"He's gonna end up killing you. Mentally and emotionally."

"No, he's not." I choked out.

"Tay, you're the only girl I've ever liked and I will not watch Jordan destroy you."

"Taylor, leave me alone." I told him walking away from him.


Next chapter is gonna take a while because I'm getting writers block for this story :/ but you can expect great things in all of my stories :D

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