You're Not Quite Satan But I Really Think I Hate You Part One

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"I hate how you always do that crap!"

"I hate you always try to go after her!"

"I hate how you try to control her!"

"I hate how you always flirt with her!"

"I hate the way you sing!"

"I hate the way you act!"

"I hate the way play the guitar!"

"I hate you!" "I hate you!" They both screamed.

I bet you wanna know what happened. Well let's just say this happened.


I'm singing with my band and Taylor's band and we were all just goofing off and playing. Taylor's been eyeing me the whole time and I think Jordan noticed cause he kissed me passionately and held my hand.

"Ok. Toats uncalled for." Hayley said.

"Yeah. She is like toats right." Jeremy agreed in the same tone as Hayles.

"Shut up you two. You guys do it also with your lovers." I said.

"Touché." They said at the same time.

We laughed and Taylor got up angrily and left.

"What's his problem?" Rob asked.

"I don't know. He only gets like this when he's pissed off." Jeremy said.

I shifted uncomfortably and lowered my head. Everyone seemed to notice and Jordan asked me, "Do you know why he's upset?"

"No." I choked out moving some hair out of my face putting a confused expression on my face. "I don't know why he's upset."

Everyone nodded and we continued "partying" until everyone started going to sleep.

"Night Jordan."

"Wait. Goodnight kiss?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes smiling and kissed him.

"You're such a goof." I told him smiling.

"Only for you." He replied.

We kissed again and I broke away and got into my bunk. "Sleep beside me?" I asked hopefully.

"Fuck yeah!" He replied.

"Night Tay." He whispered kissing the top of my head.

"Night Jor."

When I woke up the next day I was ecstatic. Today is our first concert of the tour! Jordan was still asleep so I slowly crawled over careful to not wake him. As I was climbing down, I missed a step and fell. I was waiting for me to hit the floor but I never did. I saw that Taylor had caught me and he said, "I'm always gonna be here." And he kissed my forehead.

He put me down and I said, "Thanks T. I don't know where I would be without you."

"I don't either." He replied walking away from me.

I went to the bathroom to freshen up and got out a black bra, matching underwear, my Jagk No.1 shirt and black skinny jeans. I went to go put it on and came out searching for my black hat. When I found I put that on and noticed that we stopped in our first city. (I can't remember the city) I got off the bus and saw a small diner. I wanted to go but I didn't wanna leave Jordan. So, I walked back on the bus and saw Jordan up and sitting on the couch.

"Hey, wanna come to the diner across the street with me?" I asked.

"I thought you already did." He replied not looking at me.

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