21- joining the night class

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Edited 05/06/2020

The wind blows my hair as I cling onto Zero's black uniform, "You are safe!" He tried to reassure me. However, I knew differently. I'm going to be forced to love him and leave you. Lucky for me, you're in love with Yuki. We get back to dad's office. Once we see the door, Zero sprints to the door, slamming it open and closing it once we were inside. Master and Dad were staring at us weirdly. "What happened?" Dad asks, worried about our actions. "(F/n) got scared, Kaname tried moving closer to her and she ordered me to get her out of there." 

"I'm sorry" Zero stares at me with a soft glance. I knew he was telling me it was ok, He is too kind to me. "My daughter, You are moving to the night class." Zero starts to shout at Dad and I allow him, I could never refuse orders, He can. After 10 minutes, I grab the uniform and nod. "Fine." Zero looks at me depressed, "I'm still your baby sister, Zero." He nods knowing that I have no choice. I never do. 

I walk into Dad's spare room and get changed into the white uniform. It hugged all the right places and made my (e/c) shine. Brushing my (H/l) (H/c) hair, After I finish looking at myself. Dad smiles softly at me, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from your forced fate." I smile back at him "I wasn't meant to be born, I guess I should be flattered that Kaname wanted to marry me at that age. The girls would be so jealous." I try to joke and Dad chuckled at it, making me feel better. Zero and Master weren't in the room anymore. 

I could understand. I wouldn't want to be in the room too, I leave the room and walk over to the night class dorms. As I walk in I see no one, Good. They are all in class. I sit on the couch, waiting for one of them to show me where my room was. My eyes drop, however, I shake my head. I refuse to allow theses creatures to see me with my guard down. "Why are you here, (Y/n)?" I stare at the blonde boy, Yes. He was the one who told Kaname.

"I'm transferring to Night class. Could you show me where my room is?" He nods, In shock that I was being nice to him. He goes to touch me, His green eyes glow red. I activate Artemis. "Back away, I don't allow scum like you to touch me, yet alone drink my blood." He tries to shake his head and begs "Please, remove the bloodstain on your neck! I don't want to bite you." My eyes widen, I quickly clean my neck and his eyes turn back. "I'm sorry. Please follow me to your room." I nod and follow him. He takes me to a large room with a queen-size bed in the middle and a door leading somewhere else. "Please don't go through that door." 

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