66- ID

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I wanted to rip their heads off. Tamaki's purple eyes stare into my (e/c) eye. Lucky for me, My bangs are hiding my purple eye; and these glasses are helping me as well. Tamaki covers his face with his hand and backs up a little. I tilt my head to the left; in confusion. The black hair boy with glasses looks into his book and states, "I don't know who this is, Tamaki." Zero walks next to me and picks me up. I sit on his shoulder. Kaname walks over to us and states, "This is Aichi Kiryu. He is the Schools president." 

I look at them and smile then wave. The twins move forward to us, making Zero goes into defensive mode. I was able to calm zero down by rubbing his shoulder. "Haruhi, Shut the door's before the girls come in." Tamaki orders and the short brown haired girl who was wearing a boy's uniform walks over to the door. I watch as she walks passed us and I ask "Are you playing dress up?" Everyone looks at me in confusion and I point at Haruhi. "Or do you hate that yellow dress?" 

The twins look at me in shock, and I then state "Don't worry I won't tell." They run up to me and takes me from Zero's shoulder. I was in shock but then relax. Zero looked angry but I mouth "Calm down, They won't hurt me." He nods at me. "Tamaki Suoh. Your father has told us to find you. He said that you would know where our timetables are."  I state. Tamaki nods and looks at the black-haired boy with glasses. He walks up to us and gives Kaname and zero's their timetable but I didn't get one.

 "Do you have one that has (y/n) Kiryu? That's my middle name and everyone calls me it." He nods and Tamaki then asks "Will you become hosts?" I look at the guys and smirk "Sure~!" They grab me and sit me down. They do undo my hair, Allowing my locks to fall.

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