74- Getting ready

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Time skip-- 3 months

"(Y/n)! Come here!" I turn my head then I hear "(Y/n) We need you here!" I look at them and call them back "Everyone Please! Follow the plans or ask Zero!" They nod their head and state "Hei!" I giggle and walk towards everyone in the kitchen. "I will do this. You guys can do the signs." I offer them, They smile at me and nod their heads. They leave me alone, I sigh and put on my apron. I use my vampire speed and start to make all of the treats. It was fun but, I'm in a rush. 

"(Y/N)!" I run out of the kitchen to see Yuki? I look at her with a shocked face, "Yuki? What are you doing here?" She runs over to me with her arms out wide. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. I was jealous of you. Will you forgive me?" I rub her back and state "I forgave you ages ago." She looks at me and cries, I giggle and wipe her tears. "Come on, let's go and make some cakes!" She nods and runs into the kitchen with me.

Once we get into the kitchen, she gets her old Apron and puts it on. We look at each other and nod. I start to mix the butter and sugar while Yuki measures out the flour. We look at each other and laugh. "If you don't mind me asking, Why are you here?" She looks at me and states "I met this boy in our exchange program. He took your last name. " I nod and state "Aichi?" She nods and continues, "He told me that he was leaving soon and that there was going to be another fair." 

"I understand, Aichi is our cousin. He is a hunter and used for testing. Him and Zero were close but, He had to leave again. Only Dad, Me, Zero and Kaname ever saw him." She nods her head and states "I understand, Oh yeah. The host club from my school is bringing most of the girls here," I nod my head and states "I'm going to be working around so, I will love to meet them." we continue to finish the cooking. This is fun. I hope we can do this again soon. 

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