38-Lord Kaname, Please

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Edited 05/06/2020

They finally leave the library. All Ruka did was talk about Kaname. He is like 100,000 years older than you darling, Let him go. I lower the barrier and walk out of the Library. When I get out of the Library, I feel the anger of a Pureblood vampire. I ignore it and walk up the stairs. Once I get to the landing, I feel only two people's presence. Where are the others? I continue my way to my room when I hear "Lord Kaname, Please... Drink my blood." My eyes widen, Who would ask that! It's horrid truly. 

"I will not drink your blood." I hear Kaname state. I enter my room and lay in my bed. "Lord Kaname, Please!" I hear the girl whimper. "I said no," Kaname states again. Shut up I'm trying to sleep. "Lord Kaname Just this once!" She begs. You could hear her tears. I sigh and get up from my bed and walk out of my room. I knock on Kaname's door. "Come in." Kaname states. I enter and see Ruka wearing a purple nightgown. "Where are the others, Lord Kaname?" I watch as Kaname's eyes widen. "They are out hunting for Level E's." 

I nod and ask "Can I go out and meet my brother, I was trying to sleep but can't since this servant of yours hasn't  learnt the command: Shut up." Ruka's eyes widen at my question. Ruka screams at me stating "Your room isn't anywhere near here! You level C." I only sigh at her stupidly and look at Kaname. He smirks and nods. I leave and walk back into my room. "Now we are alone Lord Kaname--" I enter the room again from the side door. Her eyes widen and I say "Hi, I was in my room."

She growls and I see my tank top on Kaname's bed. "Oh, I forgot that last night," I walk passed both of them and grab my tank top. "I was going to ask if I could see Zero but you seem to be busy, So I will just leave you and go to meet my brother." I leave the room and throw my tank top on my bed. I walk out of my room and the dorm. I sense zero near the gate. I smile and run towards him. "Big Brother!" He blinks and hugs me "I missed you." I nod and notice Yuki had a taming necklace around her neck. I stare at zero and whisper "I'm sorry big brother." He nods and says "I know, Don't blame yourself." 

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