67- contacts

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Now here I am, Currently in a locked room with seven strangers circling. I'm starting to become tired of this. My hidden purple eye narrowed. "May I ask, Why you took my hair down without my permission?" I asked. Zero and Kaname stepped forward. I didn't want a scene to unfold. "Big brother, Kaname. I'm alright. There is no need to come and save me." I state. They fall back. "Hikaru and Kaoru. May I ask that you don't make me look like a girl." Everyone just nods. "Aichi-chan, Can I ask you to do something?" 

I look at Honey and asks "What is this 'something'? Honey-senpai." He smiles and skips over to me. I bent down a little. He smiles and whispers into my ear, "Can you smile sweetly and say welcome back master, In a girls voice?" I blinked twice and then nod. Honey runs back to everyone. I turn around with a smile on my face as I cutely state, "Welcome back, Master~!" Kaname and Zero look at me like I'm crazy, The smile drops from my face suddenly and I look at Honey. "Was that good enough? Honey-Sempai?" 

He gives me a thumbs up making me chuckle. I look over at the twins and ask "Please don't cut my hair. My father would kill me if I ever got it cut. " I explained and the boy's nod. I just close my eyes and allow the twins to do what they do. Who was that girl following us? I need to look out for her. She had this presence that I knew from somewhere. I can't put my finger on it. She was someone I knew. Then I hear, "She is someone who hurt you, (Y/N)" Hooded woman...

Was that a warning from my past self. "Done!" I hear Kaoru state, "Can I open my eyes now?" Hikaru teases "Nope." I frown and state "But Kaoru said you two were done, Hikaru." Everything goes quiet, I open my eyes and ask, "What is wrong?" Everyone looked at me like I was weird. "My eyes? Right?" They nod and I take out some pale blue contacts and put them in. Everyone smiles and I asks "When do we start?" The bell goes and Hikaru and Kaoru look at my timetable. "Haruhi! He is in our class!" Haruhi smiles and states "I'm glad I have someone else to help me deal with these boys." I wave at Zero and Kaname. 

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