69- Reason for being at Ouran

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I comb my hand through my hair and then Sara asks "Can you answer this question? Aichi-Kun?" I smirk and look at the board and saw the maths equation, Inequalities. ' 9 x -21 > 7 x -3 ' I smirk and in my solve it in my head then say "2 x > 18 or x > 9" she smiles and nods "Correct." I continue to 'Work' more like doodle while trying to understand why Dad sent Me, Zero and Kaname here. "Aichi-kun?" I look up to see Sara looking at me with a worried look, "Ah, I see. Yes, I will collect my brother and Kaname." She's why.

I walk out of the room and Sara follows me. "So tell me, Why am I here today Sara," She looks down and states "Your dad has made you come here to get Yuki Cross to behave, He expects you to be able to calm her down." I turn to face her and state "I understand, I must go and see my brother and Kaname then. Please don't tell the troubled student who I am nor my purpose." She nods her head and states "She can be so rude sometimes, I heard she was a well-behaved student when she was cross."

I grab her hand and squeeze it, "Yuki Cross was a well-behaved student till a fight broke lose and she began to beat up a defenceless student. She was then spoken to and calmed down, However, as the student body, the headmaster and we came to a conclusion that she was 'baby' too much because she was the only daughter of the Headmaster. So, With an agreement with your director, Yuki Cross came here, She is meant to finish school here and go to college." She nods at my little story and asks "Is the student ok?" 

I smile at her and state "She is perfectly fine, Scared of Yuki Cross but that not unusual." She looks at me with a sorrowed look in her eyes, Like she knew I was that student. "Sara-San, The class is waiting." She blinks twice and then runs back into the class. I turn around and Narrow my eyes, "Kaname, You can come out of hiding now." He sighs softly and states "So, Yuki is having a temper tantrum?" I nod and ask "Is she in your class?" He shakes his head then My eyes widen "Zero!" Kaname grabs my hand and runs towards Zero's classroom. 

How could I be so stupid, Please say you bunked big brother! "Wait!" I tug Kaname back. Under the tree was a male student. I knew that boy! I jump out of the window and Kaname follows me. "Zero!" I run towards the figure. It was zero. "Zero, We know why we are here." Kaname explains and He raises an Eyebrow, "Why?" I sit down on his lap as Kaname states "Yuki Cross. She is miss-behaving a little." He groans and asks "So we are here to hit her around the head and to tell her to stop?"

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