53- figuring it out

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Once Zero finished drinking my blood, I grab his arm and we make eye contact with each other. "Ok, well we need to--Daddy, Zero and I are going for a walk~!" I explain, cutting of dad with a cute voice as Zero smirks at me. "Ok sweetie~!" I smile at dad's reply and before he could think about anything. Zero and I run out dad's office, laughing as we did. "I Can't believe he allowed us to leave when he was about to question you!" Zero exclaimed while laughing. I smile as I watch him laughing.

Then my smile falls from my face once the words my old self comes rushing back into my mind. I don't belong with Zero; I belong with that monster. "Zero, We need to enter the night dorm," I state, He looks down at me and makes eye contact with me. We look at each other for what seemed to be hours but were mere seconds "I understand, Let's go." He walks towards the dorm holding my hand as we go. He gets through the gate and walks towards the door of the dorm. Zero and I look at each other before entering.

Once we entered, I couldn't sense anyone but one person in the library. Kaname. Zero softly squeezes my hand as I proceed towards the library. I hide both of our presences and slowly enter the library. We walk passed the study area and over towards the history section, Only one person was allowed in this area, Since it was the history of purebloods. As we turn the corner, We see Kaname sitting by a table. Reading the history of the hooded woman, Making me growl slightly. Zero covers my mouth and looks at me, worried. I could only nod. 

He removes his hand from my mouth and I suddenly, reveal ourselves. " Zero, (y/n) what can I do with the Kiryu family?" Kaname asks. I look at him and state "I want to know why you wiped everyone's memories, Including mine." He stops reading his book and places it on the table. "I only wiped the memories of you being a pureblood, That is all." He was telling the truth. "Then who wiped her memories?" Zero asks. Kaname looks at both of us and states "The same people you work for, The vampire hunters."

Our eyes go wide and it clicks, It makes sense. I was able to kill Rido, They wanted me to stay as their vampire. So they could make more weapons. However, I'm not going to rip my heart out again. I promised Zero to stay alive. Even if that means to live with Kaname. 

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