51- expernation

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I wake up in the forest, "Hello?" I call out, No answer. "ANYONE?!" I shout then I see a woman wearing a black hood. "Come here, (y/n)" I look at her with a confused look on my face. I see a young girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair run up to her and hug her. "Mum!" she shouts making the woman giggle. "(y/n), I need to teach you something." She tilts her head and asks "What is it?" The woman smiles at the young girl and states "(Y/n), I want to teach you that there are multi-universes, Different time laps going on at the same time."

The young girl looks at the woman and states "That's why I feel like people are walking into me? How I can feel people looking at me?" The woman nods at the young girl, "Yes (Y/n) you are correct. I'm not from this timeline sweetheart." (y/n) looked at the woman and asks "So your not my real mum?" I sit on a rock and watch from a closer inspection. "That is right. Yuri Kuran is your real mother." My eyes widen at this information. Wait, Is (Y/n) the younger version of me.

My shock made me add more pressure on my feet, making the stick under me snap. Both of the girls look at me and (y/n) states "Someone is here?!" The older woman nods and states "Yes, You need to go back to bed sweetheart, I will talk to you tomorrow night." (Y/n) nods and falls asleep, suddenly disappearing. "(Y/n), You can come out now." I stand up and walk up to her. "(Y/n), I need you to reach for my hand, When you do that I will be able to pull you into this timeline." She explains.

I follow her instruction and reach for her soft hand. Once I do she grabs my hand and begins to pull on my hand, She was strong. I fall on her lap. I look up at her and she her smiling down at me. "(y/n) I could hardly recognise you." I laugh a little and state "Yeah, I'm now a Kiryu and a owned vampire to the vampire hunters." The lady's eyes widen. "Why do I sense a blood bond?" I sigh and state "Kaname forced me to have it." 

The lady shakes her head in disappointment and then states "I never expected him to do that to us." I tilt my head and asks "Us?" She nods and smiles "We are the same. You are my reincarnation." I then ask "Who are you?" She smiles and states "I'm known as the hooded woman." 

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