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Victoria Fuentes, Age 14

"Alana, you look like shit." I whispered, as she looked over at me, her face pale and eyes dark.

"Period cramps. They kept me up all night." She murmured, clutching her stomach. I hoped that my period would continue to wait out. I didn't want to go though what Alana was going though. I had been with Alana when she started her period this summer and it was awful.

We were at Austin's house hanging out together with Kellin and Austin when she started and I had to run home and find her new pants and a pad. I felt so bad because not only was she embarrassed, but in so much pain.

When Austin found out though he pulled Alana into his lap and rubbed her belly just like when she was sick as a little kid. Kellin just looked over and smiled only since we'd been shipping Austin and Alana from the beginning, or at least as long as we knew what shipping was.

I also hoped that puberty would go easy on me. Alana had gotten full breasts and wide hips over the summer and had boys, and girls, gawking all over her. I didn't want big boobs or a butt. I just wanted to stay flat chested and small.

"Do you have midol?" She whispered, looking over at me. I always kept things in my purse for her. Alana had unpredictable periods with horrible side effects and I usually had things for her.

"Of course." I whispered back slipping her two of the pills. She faintly smiled and took the two with the water bottle she had.

I oddly felt an unfamiliar cramp run up my side when I sat up from handing the pills to Alana. I sat there for a minute waiting for the pain to pass, as it did slowly. I stood up when the class ended and felt something wet in between my legs.

"Lan, come to the bathroom with me." I whispered, a feeling of dread in my stomach told me I knew exactly what was happening to me.

"What?" She asked, as I grabbed her hand and tugged her to the bathroom away from Austin.

"I think I started my period." I whispered when we were in the bathroom alone.

"Oh yay! You're becoming a teenager." She squealed.

Not that I wanted to be. I wasn't even sure what I wanted to be. I am so confused with my body. Mom had made me start shaving a few months ago, and it felt odd to me. Alana gave me tips with it, especially shaving move, private places, but I didn't really want to bother with it.

"Not yay, I'm probably bleeding out of my vagina."

"I didn't say that was the good part. Look at these breasts. There's always a better part that monthly bleeding." Alana grinned.

"Lan, I don't want big boobs."

"I'm sorry, you're kind of losing then." She frowned as I walked into the stall.

"Ew, God Lana. This is so fucking gross." I whispered as I pulled my pants down and saw the stains in my panties.

"Ah! Did you start?"

"Yeah, Lan."

"I've got your bag." She said handing my bag over the stall.

"Ah, this is so weird." I frowned as I got the pad attached to my panties and pulled up so it was resting against my skin.

"Shit, I bled though my pants." Alana whispered looking at herself in the mirror.

"Me too." I whispered back giggling though the stall.

"At least we cycle together." She smiled at me as I flushed the toilet and washed my hands.

"Wait, call Austin for me." She frowned as we got ready to leave the bathroom.

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