Hiccup and his 'gang'

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"He just knocked you to the ground!" Astrid protested. "And we don't know what kind of dragon he is!"

The kind that think you judges too quickly.

Percy frowned at Astrid and went closer to her. She went to attack-mode instantly but didn't attack. She just stood there with her axe in her hands and a scowl on her face.

She reminded him of Annabeth.

Percy wanted to tell her it was okay, but decided against it. Wouldn't have her try to attack him. If she was like Annabeth in any way, he wouldn't take that risk.

Instead Percy walked over to the black dragon.

'Hey! Who are you? Are you friend?' The dragon said with grunts and noises and faces.

Somehow Percy understood. He tried to speak back, and he actually succeeded. 'Hi!' He said. 'I'm Percy and a friend. What about you?'

The dragon smiled a toothless grin. 'I am Toothless and I am a friend. The boy who freed you is my friend Hiccup. And the girl who was with him is Astrid.'

Percy nodded as he got the information inside his head.

'And that is my friends!' Toothless said and walked around the others to show who he talked about. He ran over to Hiccup and licked him lovely. Hiccup did not seem to find it just as lovely as Toothless did.

Percy walked after him and sat on the other side of Hiccup. He didn't know what to do after that, and he sure as Hades weren't going to lick Hiccup.

He needed Annabeth.

He felt himself tear up. He had lost her again, and there was no way back for the moment. His eyes got foggy, and his stomach felt empty. His heart ached.

He started to cry.

He started to howl and cry. Hiccup looked at him weirdly. "Are you in pain?" Percy shook his head.

"Fishlegs, it's getting late, so you and the others can go home."

He missed Annabeth. He had left her. Even tho he had promised to never leave her again. He wanted to sleep and maybe then he would wake up again back home.

He walked over to Astrid. She reminded him of Annabeth. He he weren't able to protect Annabeth, so he would protect them.

He made that silent promise to himself.

He picked up Astrid carefully with his teeth, and walked over to the place he woke up on in the first place.

"Uh, Hiccup? What. Is. Going. On? Astrid said trough gritted teeth.

Percy curled up, but made sure that there was room for Astrid in the middle. He put her down there.

"I think he likes you." Hiccup finally replied, with a smirk on his face.

Percy tried to fall asleep, but he was wide awake. He felt Astrid crawling out of the spot he had made her, and frowned. Didn't she understand that he wanted to protect her?

Percy started to cry again, and Astrid stopped on her tracks. She made a nervous face, and went closer to his face.

"Don't cry." She tried, but Percy felt so alone and useless. "It's okay, I'm here. I'm not going to leave you alone, I just don't want to be inside of your, erm, ball." She tried to reason with him, and started to pet him on his face. It was obvious that she didn't know how to deal with this kind of feelings.

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