The edge

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"Why? You can't just-
It's not that-
Why can't I come up with a reason?"

"Because there ain't one." Astrid shot in.

"So that's a yes?" Percy felt Annabeth shift slightly on his back, but not enough for the others to notice.

"I don't see why not. If you follow us by water, and don't get lost, we'll be there by moonrise." Fishlegs told them.

"Let's get going!" The twins yelled and hit their heads together. Percy thought that it hurt, but they didn't seem affected.

Huh, they are either really strong, used to it. Or maybe they just doesn't have anything inside that they can hurt.

"Are you ready to go now?" Astrid asked after fifteen minutes. It felt longer.

Annabeth kept stroking his sides, trying to calm his ADHD, but he knew that hers was starting to act up too.

Her irregular tapping of her fingers as she stroke him, jumping her leg up and down, shuffling on his back, it all signalled that she wanted to move.


Percy saw them starting to fly upwards and rushed to the ocean, to follow them. He just forget to warn Annabeth.

Well schist.

It seemed like she forgot that she sat on Percy, and screamed as she almost, I repeat; almost, fell into the water. Luckily enough her reflexes kicked in, and she seemed to save herself from falling into the water.

"Di immortales! Warn me next time, you fishface."

He just nodded, not sure how to respond. He looked up, trying to see where the others were going, but the waves made it hard to see anything clearly.

Luckily enough Annabeth seemed to know where they were going, and directed him in the right directions when needed.

Soon they had been traveling for many hours, or maybe just one. Percy wasn't sure if the time, but he knew his ADHD was acting up, and Annabeth didn't seem to have it any better.

Suddenly they stopped, and Annabeth signed for him to go upwards. They broke the surface and the sight that met them was beautiful. Percy knew he had never seen anything alike what was in front of him.

Hundreds of small dragons flew around small outposts here and there, and personalised houses seemed to try and outdo each other. The scent from the trees and grass mixed with the ocean.

He could feel Annabeths eyes just stare at the buildings, tearing them down piece for piece with her mind, before building them again, trying to figure out how they were built.

"Percy, Annabeth," Hiccup said," Welcome to; the Edge."

Percy wasn't sure what he expected to happen, but just standing there on the beach with Annabeth on his back was not one of them.

"Was something gonna happen?" Annabeth pondered out loud, looking at Hiccup questionably.

Hiccup made an awkward and nervous laugh as he scratched his neck, and started to gesture as he tried to explain. Percy noticed that his shoulders were moving along with his arms, making it seem like they were shaking. "Not really, no. But I just- just, you know, tried to- to, I don't know, make it more, exiting?"

Percy laughed.

He always thought he was bad under pressure and embarrassment, but watching Hiccup made him feel a little better.

"Great." Hiccup exclaimed." Now your dragon is laughing at me."

"No he is not." Annabeth assured him. "Right, Percy?" Annabeths asked in a specific tone, signing for  him to stop before she ripped out his tongue. Percy nodded quickly, turning his smile into a way to serious frown.

"Wonderful. You know what? Just follow me, and I'll show you where your dragon can sleep, and where you can sleep."

Percy was still offended that they didn't refer to him as Percy sometimes, but he decided to let it go (but without freezing the entire island down).

They walked to a building while Hiccup and Toothless flew over them, when Percy realised something.

This building was built to dragons who flew.

He looked at Annabeth for answers. Like always, she had one. "Don't worry Percy. This is just like the lava wall back at camp. But without the lava."

Annabeth held tight around him with her arms and legs, as Percy tried to use his new body to climb upwards.

Even though it was harder than usual, he found it kinda easy to climb. With each lot he climbed, Hiccups face came clearer. A roar escaped from his throat, and Annabeths strangled, but still melodic, laugh came to his ears.

Finally reaching the top, he dragged himself to over the edge, and stood proud besides Hiccup.

"You can set me down now, Percy."

Percy bowed, and let Annabeth climb down. she patted his neck and stood beside Hiccup, easily outmatching him in fitness by appearance, by so making Percy laugh a little.

"Percy!" Annabeth scolded, "Don't laugh at Hiccup! Remember how small and weak you were when we first met?" Percy's laughter died out, and a silence erupted.

"Shall we see the dragons sleep-area then?"

Lead the way, human boy.

"This," Hiccup gestured wildly with his hands, as they entered," is the dragons sleep area."

Annabeth took a good look in the room. "This is the dragons rooms."


"Made of tree."


"For fire breathing dragons."

"I get it. Bad idea."

He snickered and waved his tail back and forth. It may have looked creepy, he realised, by the look he got from Hiccup.

Percy took a good scan of the room with his eyes, and something made him shake his head, and Annabeth saw it too.

"Where am I supposed to sleep?"

"We thought you could sleep with Astrid."

"No. Not to be rude, but, no."



"O-oh, well, th-that's a-alright. I'm s-sure we can f-figure something out."

Percy nodded and grinned, glad that Annabeth wouldn't leave him alone with dragons. Even if he was a dragon. But inside he was human. Or maybe he just thought that?

All this questions about his existence gave him a headache, so he went to the closest empty cage, and laid down. He could almost make out Hiccups words, they sounded like a protest, but he ignored it.


*On my knees*
Please don't kill me! Please! I beg of you! Show mercy!!!!!!!

Sorry for the very late update. I can't promise that the next one will come soon, but I do promise it will come. It can take a month, a week, two months.

But I promise it will come, and I thank you for encouraging me to update.

Me: math

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