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Annabeth took a deep breath and looked around.

They were in the ocean, and an air bubble was formed around them. Thousands of different but alike colours swirled together in the clear water.

She could feel the cold radiate from the ocean around her and into the bubble, but she did her best to shrug it away.

"The view never gets old..." Annabeth muttered to Percy and dreamily stroke him on the side. "It's never the same, always different, always changing," she continued on. "It could be the same ocean every time, but it would still be stunning."

She felt his body shake as he laughed, but he did a gesture to show that he agreed. She turned her head once again. "Di immortales!" Annabeth screamed, as she almost fell of Percy.

She had not, repeat, NOT excepted Hiccup and, what was the dragons name again, oh yeah, Toothless to look at them.

Hiccup had the most confused and surprised expression on his face, and Annabeth couldn't think of anything to say. So, as the daughter of Athena she was, she waved and gave him an awkward side crooked smile.

He just directed Toothless upwards and disappeared over the surface. "Maybe we should have told them about the fact that you can create air bubbles that can help me breathe."

She took a hard grip around his neck. "Take us up to the surface, will you?" Percy didn't say a thing, he just twisted his body upwards the surface, and his shell shone together with the ocean, as he twisted upwards, almost like a Chinese dragon. Even if he didn't resemble one.

They broke through and saw Astrid fly over them on hers. Percy nodded at her dragon and gave a toothy grin.

"You scared the living daylights out of us!!" She heard Astrid yell.

"Sorry..." she mumbled back, a little embarrassed that she forgot to tell. "I didn't mean to..."

Astrid just sighed and rolled her eyes. "Well, I guess we will see you back at the beach then?" Annabeth gave her a nod and made Percy set the course towards the beach.

They got closer to the beach, and a few shapes had started to take shape. Some resembled humans, and some, dragons.

Annabeth saw Snoutlout in the middle, with a huge red dragon, with big horns.

On his right side (Annabeths right), was a boy and a girl, or at least she thought they were a boy and a girl. They both had long hair and walked with their back so crooked, that if their back crooked anymore, they would each get an abrasion on their noses. (An: something my dad says).

Behind them was a dragon with two, two, heads, and a greenish coloured skin.

On snoutlouts left (Annabeths left), was a round blond teenager, and a round scaly dragon with a huge underbite beside him.

Astrid and Hiccup landed in front of them, and she felt Percy start to stand up. But she didn't climb off him, she just nodded at them.

Annabeth set her eyes at Snotlout. "Hello. We have met." She could see him start to shake and sweat.

"Y-yeah. I-I don't think we have."

Annabeth had to restrain herself from punching him right there and then. That sucky liar. Flirting with her while she could be half way to the underworld, and then lying about it! "Are you sure? I know I was in a daze, but I think you said something along the lines of; Who's the beauty you are holding in your arms?"

Percy's muscles tensed, and he slowly bared his teeth. Annabeth let out a low chuckle.

Snotlout looked around for an escape, but his dragon blocked behind him, and people blocked the sides.

She herd someone clasp their hands together. Hiccup nervously cleared his throat. "Why don't we introduce ourselves, before someone loses a tooth, or his dignity."

"Did he just say he? I think he did. Are you saying that I can't stand my own ground?!" Couldn't this Snotlout-kid just shut up for once?!

Annabeth decided she should start, before the argument continued. "I am Annabeth Chase. And, my bo-dragon here, is Percy Jackson."

The chubby boy looked like he was ready to explode. He tripped from foot to foot, and looked at her with big eyes.

"Yes?" Annabeth answered unsurely, not knowing what he wanted to say.

"I am Fishlegs, this is Meatlug," he gustured to his dragon, "and I must say that I have never seen any dragon like that before. What species is it? Where are you two from? How old are you two? How did you guys get here? How long have you had him?"

Annabeth didn't even react to all the questions that came at once. She just simply laid down on Percy's back (it was big enough for that) and put her chin in her hands, while she answered.

"Don't know, somewhere else (she wasn't sure if they had herd about America), 18, check answer one, and what do you mean by 'how long I've had him'?"

She let let go of her face and used her underarms to support herself upwards, and she gave him a face of confusion.

"You know, how long has he been trained."

Annabeth merely shook her head. "Would you say that you own Meatlug?"

"No but-"

"But what? I don't own Percy. And I haven't 'trained' him either. He is merely my family."

The twins took one step forwards. "We are Tuffnut and Ruffnut, and this is Barf and Belch!" They made jazzhands towards their dragon. Annabeth nodded and gave them both a smile.

"And I am Snotlout Jorgenson! And this is my trustworthy dragon Hookfang!" Snotlout said with too much cockiness. Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"And of course you know me and Astrid. Now, we need to go the edge, but we can't leave them here alone. Nor can we split up." Hiccup pinched his nose bridge, as he tried to come up with something.

"Why can't I just come with?"

Authors note
That's another chappie for you!!!!!
It sucks, but-hey! Who threw that fish? Well, sucks for you. I love fish! See ya next time!


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