Snotlout is about to have one less head

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At those last words she collapsed, into a shaking and couching ball.

Percy turned around at the sound of her falling, and screamed her name, but once again, he was a dragon, and nothing but roaring came out.

He nudged her carefully with his snout, but then she whimpered, so he pulled his head back thinking he might have hurt her unknowingly. He instantly shot glares from her to Astrid, in hope that she knew what to do.

She took the hint and went closer, but Hiccup came first and prevented her to come closer.

Hiccup bowed down, and tried to touch Annabeth. But Percy growled, and pushed him away, as he dragged Astrid closer by his teeth. "Hey! Why can't I help? I know just as much about medicine as she does!"

But Percy didn't need him. He didn't smell right. He smelled like one of those males, and right now Percy didn't want to trust those males. It was those males who attacked him when he first got to that weird place. Astrid smelled nicer, but not as nice as Annabeth.

Besides, Astrid was stronger than him, and would be able to carry her longer than him.

Astrid helps her. He said determined.

Hiccup held up his hands in defeat and let Astrid touch her forehead.

"Hiccup, we need to get her to the village, quick!" Hiccup didn't question it when he saw into her eyes, but Annabeth did.

"No." she whispered weakly, so low you could barely hear it. "I-I stay with Percy." Even if she was curling up as a ball and shaking, her stormgrey eyes were scary as Hades, but Astrid seemed stubborn too. If those two ever was to come in a fight, then gods help the one in between them. "He can come too." Hiccup seemed as if he was about to interrupt, but Astrid cut him of. "If she won't leave the dragon, we take the dragon with us."

Percy was very happy, although Annabeth wasn't in good shape, even if he was a bit offended that they kept calling him 'the dragon'. Did he go around and call them 'the humans' even after he knew their names? No! But he weren't long offended, and watched as Astrid picked her carefully up from the ground.

She held Annabeth tight in her arms, and Percy walked after them, and circled her many times on their path to the village, in worry of Annabeth.

The storm clouds above their heads turned darker by the minute, and soon enough, rain was pouring down, making them dripping wet. Annabeth let out a muffled whimper when thunder came to hearing, and Percy got scared. He kept nudging her with his snout, trying to get contact with her.

"I'm fine, Seaweed brain." Was the only thing he got out of her, but he knew she was lying. Her whole body was shaking, and her clothes was clinging to her body like a second skin.

Percy felt anxious about her current state. They had laid a whole night.


In the rain.

His body had probably given her some warmth, but it weren't good for anyone to be out in the cold when it poured down. Even he could understand that, as the 'seaweed brain' he was, according to Annabeth.

New voices were heard, and houses came to view.

"Astrid!" A guy's voice screamed, getting more high pitched in the end. "Where have you been?!"

Astrid grunted, and he knew that she would prefer that guy with his head and body separated.

"Snotlout, I do not have the time to deal with you, or any of your problems!" He was about to say something else, when he noticed Annabeth out cold in Astrids arm.

"Whoa! Who's the beauty you are holding in your arms?" What did he just say?How dared he disrespect Annabeth like that!?

Percy swore that if Thalia had been there, there wold be one less man walking alive on the earths surface.

He let out a growl that went all the way from his stomach and up his throat. Percy was about to do it for Thalia, but he heard Annabeth speak muffled and weakly once again.

"One; if you don't shut up, Percy will kill you. Two; if Percy doesn't kill you, I will." Even in her current state she was frightening, something Snotlout wisely enough understood.

But what he hadn't understood before Percy had growled, was Percy's presence. And what a face he made.

Percy barely held his laughter when the boy tripped, and had a harder time doing it when Hiccup came out from the trees behind them.

"Hiccup! Watch out! There's a HUGE dragon here!"

Hiccup didn't even try to hold back. He exploded into laughter and held his stomach. "It's fine, Snotlout, he is a friend. But now we have to get this girl inside into the warmth." He got out in between fits of laughter.

Astrid seemed to struggle with the weight of the girl, but refused to let Snotlout get close. Smart woman.

"Lets go." She stated and walked around Snotlout. "We should get her to your home, Hiccup. You have the most space, and its the safest." Hiccup only nodded and proceeded forwards behind Astrid and Annabeth.

A huge house got close, and stares from vikings and different dragons followed them with every step. It made Percy uncomfortable.

He silently thanked the gods when they got inside, and the stares from he people and dragons disappeared behind the door.

They walked up some stairs, and Astrid laid Annabeth carefully down, trying not to wake her up. But she did, and the first thing she said made the others frightened. At least by the looks oft their body language.

"I swear if anyone took me away from Percy I will personally send you to Hades the hard way!" Percy went over to her and laid his head on her lap, and laid down in that position.

Hiccup went over to Annabeth, but Percy growled, so he instantly backed away. He felt Annabeths long cold glare and stopped. But he was still careful.

"It's okay, you can come closer now. Percy is just overprotective when it comes to his family and friends."

Hiccup nodded and took small steps towards Annabeth. He took his pulse to her head, but instantly threw it away.

"You are burning up!" Astrid came closer and stood beside Hiccup.

"I know! Her temperature is sky high. I think she might have fever."

Percy tensed and lifted his head. He took a good look at Annabeths face, and they were right.

Her eyes were blank and red, her usually tanned skin was pale as fog, and she was shivering despise the sweat pearls forming on her forehead.

Percy whimpered and layer his head down again, so Annabeth started to pet him, and let her hand slide down his neck, and took it up to the top of his head again.

"It's okay Percy. You know I'll be fine. Remember," she took a pause and looked him in the eyes,

"as long as we're together."

Authors note
Here you go! A new chapter, only a week apart. Maybe a little shorter, but hey! It's something! Please leave suggestions


Thanks! See ya next time!


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