I had moved because my twin sister is now famous. I hate to leave my friends but I have no choice. I'm 16. I have no say in this. Why did my life turn to hell?...But maybe it won't be so bad..
Warning: intense content, possible sex scenes, a little...
POV-tamryn *this story might only be in tamryn and adyms pov*
i woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. maddie has texted me at 8:30am.
madds💕🐊: hey how are you feeling?
me: i'm better but i did just wake up.
madds💕🐊: oh is adym with you?
me: yep. he's sleeping right here.
madds💕🐊: good. okay just checking in.
me: i just woke up😂😂
madds💕🐊: oh that's right. okay make sure you eat something.
me: okay mom i will🙄😂
madds💕🐊: shut up tam😂😂
i put my phone down and turned on my favorite movie, the princess and the frog. it's my all time favorite. it's the only disney movie that can make me cry, let alone the only movie ever to make me cry every time i watch it. adym woke up at the perfect time🙄. it was the part that makes me cry. he looked at me as one tear rolled down my cheek. i wiped it away quickly.
"what happened? are you okay?" he asked with concern.
i pointed to the screen and sniffled.
"the bug died." i said.
"it's okay tam. the little bug is with his wife. he's going to be just fine." he chuckled.
i smiled and told him i was hungry.
"well get dressed. we'll go to my house so i can change then go somewhere. it's a surprise." he said after looking at his phone.
"what is with you and surprises?" i said giggling a little.
i got dressed (picture below) and did light make up.
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i walked out the front door, locking it behind me and sat in the car.
"where are we going after your house?" i asked.
"do you really want to know?" he said keeping his eyes on the road.
"yes. yes i do."
"we're going to..." he trailed off. "a secret place." he continued.
"ugh i hate you." i laughed.
we listened to music the rest of the way there, singing to any song we knew. he put a blindfold on me when we got close. adym helped me out of the car and brought me to where he wanted me.
"okay. you can take the blindfold off now." he sounded excited.
i took off the blindfold and adym was leaning against his car, holding a poster that said 'Will You Be My Girlfriend Tamryn?❤' who can say no to that? he brought me to a mountain that looked over LA as the sun was setting. it was perfect.
"oh my god..." i was at a loss for words.
all i did was smile like an idiot and nod my head slowly. he walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. he kissed my head and i completely melted. the rest of the day i couldn't stop smiling. we got some mcdonald's and he brought me home.
i went up to my room and texted maddie what happened. Z ran into my room and locked the door behind her soon after i sent the text to maddie.
"where were you? she asked with her arms crossed.
"with adym." i said unable to control my smile.
"tell me everything." she said sitting on my bed.
i told her everything that happened since adym woke up. she treated this like it was a Movie. she gasped a lot. after i told her, she gave me her feedback in the story and left my room. i sat in my bed watching pretty little lairs (best free form show btw). it was about 10:30 and i got 2 texts, thinking it was maddie because i already got a goodnight paragraph from adym. i looked at my phone and one was from kate and the other was from a.
kate🖕🏼: you're not going to get away with this.
a😔😭: he asked you out in pity because you fainted.
i didn't respond to ether text. neither of them are going to ruin my happiness tonight. i finished the episode i was on and fell asleep.
a/n: guys im so sorry. i have been dealing with school. but i'm almost done like i have a day left. its all just finals now. i have 2 hours left to get through school then summer. i'm going to be on the road a lot bc of my softball tournaments so that's when i'll try to update. thanks for being so patient with me. love yall💜💜💜