I had moved because my twin sister is now famous. I hate to leave my friends but I have no choice. I'm 16. I have no say in this. Why did my life turn to hell?...But maybe it won't be so bad..
Warning: intense content, possible sex scenes, a little...
I woke up at about 9am and turned on music. I decided to read a little just because I wanted to. I read for an hour and a half then got a text from Grayson.
Gray😋😂: Hey wanna get some lunch today? So we can talk about last night?
Me: Yeah sure just give me about 45 minutes and I'll be ready. You picking me up or should we meet up somewhere?
Gray😋😂: I'll pick you up.
Me: Gotcha. See you in a few👌🏼
I took a shower then got dressed. (Picture below)
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I did my make up and sat in my trampoline chair on my balcony waiting for grayson to pick me up. Adym said he was busy today with family so I didn't feel that bad about hanging with Grayson.
I got Grayson's text saying he was here and I left not really telling anyone I was up or going anywhere. He drove to a little place that was casual and cute. It was a diner called Sally's Diner. We sat in a booth, ordered, and talked about ourselves.
"So about last night. What was that all about?" He asked nervously.
"I'm so sorry about that. I was dared to do that. My sister told me to." I lied.
"Oh okay. You're like me. You can't back out of a dare no matter how bad or hard it is." he said.
"Yeah of course." I pretended to agree.
We talked the whole time we were there. I looked out the window and saw Adym. I froze for a second then excused myself to go talk to him.
"Hey." I said walking up.
"What do you want?" He said angrily.
"Woah. What happened?"
"Why are you out with him? Who is he? Like you're having lunch with him. You never said you were going out today. Let alone with him." Adym was pissed.
"I'm having lunch with him because we're friends. Nothing more. Why are you acting like this? You don't care if I have lunch with Tayler or Joey and you know Tayler used to think I was hot."
"I'm mad because I don't know him. I know Tayler and Joey and they wouldn't do anything to mess with our relationship. For all I know you two could've been flirting with each other."
"Why would I flirt with him? Why would I even think about cheating on you? He knows I'm dating you. He wouldn't try anything. You're just jealous becau-"
"I'm not jealous of anyone. I just don't want you going out with guys that I don't know because I don't know what their capable of."
"Well sorry that Grayson doesn't meet your little standards of friends but if you got to know him you would see that he's not a bad guy. Now I'm going to go have my lunch with Grayson and have a good day. You should consider having one too instead of being jealous of him." and I walked back inside and sat in the booth.
"Hey you okay?" Grayson asked.
"Yeah I'm just kinda mad."
"Was that Adym?"
"Yeah. He's mad because I never told him I was going anywhere today. He might be jealous of you but who knows."
"Wanna get out of here?"
"Kind of. Yeah. Thanks Gray."
We left after paying and we drove around. We didn't really say anything to each other. Just enjoyed each other's presence. After driving around aimlessly, I broke the silence.
"Hey. Can we go back to my place? I didn't tell anyone that I left and I'm dead if they find out I left." I lied.
"Yeah sure. We're not far." he drove towards my house.
He dropped me off and left.
I never walked into my house. I waited until I couldn't see the car anymore and it was out of sight then I walked to the woods that was down the street from my house. I looked around to see if anyone was around to see me and I didn't see anyone. I walked into the woods aimlessly. I didn't know where I was headed but I knew I needed to clear my mind from what happened today.
I was walking trying to clear my head when I heard a noise. I looked in the direction of it but disregarded it thinking it was some animal or something. I heard it again but this time it was closer. I turned around so I can go back home but I saw a black figure standing a ways away from me in the path that I took. It started calling my name and running towards me. I screamed and ran away from it still not knowing where I was going. I tripped and while trying to get up something was put over my mouth and nose then everything went black...