two - rewritten ( 6.26.19 )

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There was a nagging feeling in the back of Tyler's head as he sat at the bar, his fingers delicately curled around a tall glass of nothing other than water. The condensation was the only thing keeping him grounded, preventing him from letting his thoughts trail carelessly. All too soon, however, his attention was gripped by something else. Or rather, someone.

"I heard that the star showboy got a new plaything," piped a voice that belonged to, of all people, Ryan. Tyler watched as the tall brunette sat himself down on the stool next to his own, crossing his legs properly. "Won't you tell us about him, Ty?"

Tyler felt his fingers constrict around the glass. There were two things Tyler liked to avoid whilst at the club. One: talking about clients. Two: talking to Ryan.

"He looks rich," Ryan continued. "Brendon said he requested you two days ago. Also said that he requested you for tomorrow too."

Tyler sighed. The thought of Brendon running his mouth to the tall, slim beauty that sat perched atop a bar stool politely didn't exactly strike him as surprising. The chemistry between the two of them was hard not to see.

"Okay, so some rich guy with pink hair has been giving me some extra attention. So what?" Tyler grinned when Pete slid a new glass of water over to him, leaving a small trail of condensation behind on the bar top. He quickly took a drink, his eyes momentarily falling shut at the way the cold liquid iced his dry throat.

"'So what?'" Ryan quoted, eyeing Tyler. He propped his head up on the palms of his hands, staring at the other wickedly. "Not only is he rich, but he's quite the looker. Don't act like you don't know. Me and the rest of the boys have definitely noticed how sexy your little boy toy is. Rich, young, hot, and determined. That's something special. How'd you get so lucky, Ty?"

Tyler shrugged lazily, glancing at Pete, who was polishing glasses and listening to their conversation. He moved his eyes to meet Tyler's and hummed in agreement to what Ryan had said. And here Tyler had hoped Pete would drop in and rescue him.

"Maybe you could send him my way. I usually don't get a tip over ten." Pete laughed softly, sliding a newly polished glass away. Tyler stood from his stool, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Forget about it." Tyler caved and let out a little laugh, amused at Pete's offer. "Anyway, aren't you supposed to be working, Ry? Don't wanna be reprimanded for not staying on task." 

Ryan grinned. "Maybe that's what I'm going for." He purred quietly, grinning when Tyler's cheeks heated considerably before he walked away, heels harshly hitting the floor.

As a stripper Tyler was forced to get used to a lot of shit, but hearing about other peoples sex life was something he would never get used to. It was awkward and embarrassing because then it would lead to questions about his own. And that wasn't good because it either didn't exist or was too complicated to explain.

Tyler sighed as he made his way backstage, to his vanity. The mirror was outlined with blue, adorned with glitter and rhinestones. He absolutely loved the mirror and as his last birthday present Brendon said that when he left he could take the mirror with him.

He quickly took a seat on the stool, rummaging through his makeup supplies. Tyler usually didn't wear any makeup for shows. Usual customers always told him he looked better without and he believed them.

His hand brushed up against his makeup brushes and he grabbed one, brushing it over a pink powder before patting his cheeks with it, leaving behind a gentle hue on his cheekbones. He marveled at himself in the mirror, grabbing a smaller brush and dipping it down into his eye shadow palette, covering the tip with soft purple powder.

He wasn't working the stage this night but he was still determined to give a good show.

He quickly brushed on his eye shadow and did his eyeliner, a thin, gentle wing on each eye.

"Clubs open, Tyler. You look really nice." Tyler startled at the sound of Brendon's voice, turning to him suddenly.

"Thanks, Bren. I'm working the floor tonight, right?" Tyler asked softy, smiling when Brendon's gaze traveled over his choice of attire.

Brendon grinned lightly. "Yeah. You look absolutely divine, just remember not to take away from Ryan's show on stage. He needs attention too." Tyler rolled his eyes slightly as he slipped by Brendon, squeaking lightly when the other smacked his ass. "Get out there and make daddy proud."

Tyler turned back quickly to shoot the man a flare but laughed lightly at the statement, slipping from the back room where they usually got ready. He slipped out into the crowd of people already filling the club.

He breathed in quickly, looking around for that same bright colored hair. He sighed slightly when he came to no luck and he instead decided to parade over to the bar, giving Pete a small smile. Tyler quickly hopped up onto the bar, legs crossed over as he found a comfortable place to sit. A few men at the bar winked at him and when they did Tyler noticed the protective glare they received from Pete. It made him smile.

"Hi boys," Tyler greeted, voice like sugar. He grinned softly, running his hand over his thigh slowly.

"Hey there princess." One man purred. Tyler tilted his head slightly. He was attractive, not too old. Tyler laughed softly, turning his face away.

"You're gonna make me embarrassed, sir..!" He whined.

The man grinned and motioned for another drink from Pete, who remained tense as always.

"If it could make you any hotter then I'll do anything," the man murmured. Tyler momentarily frowned, caught off guard by the backhanded compliment, but when he saw the man wink he figured it wasn't meant in a rude way and he slid closer, thighs dangerously close to the mans hand.

"You're a real charmer, sir." Tyler purred, locking eyes with the man. The man raised his hand to place it over Tyler's thigh but Pete was quick to grab his wrist, staring him dead in the eyes. Tyler hummed softly as he moved back a bit.

"No touching." Pete growled, surprised when Tyler slid behind the bar next to him.

"Let's give them a show?" Tyler purred gently, grabbing Pete's shirt and pulling him close, kissing his lips roughly. There was only one performer Pete would ever dream of kissing and Tyler wasn't it, but to protect the boy Pete would do anything. And maybe he didn't mind kissing a hot young man.

His hand quickly curled around Tyler's hair, his other grabbing onto Tyler's waist, his grip firm and Tyler's eyes cracked open just slightly. Tyler let out a gentle moan against Pete's mouth, slyly licking his lips as he pulled away from the short kiss, eyes suddenly wide.

"What's wrong?" Pete asked, worry clear in his voice, and Tyler grinned.

"Pink hair." He giggled lightly, slipping away from Pete and over the bar again. "Wish me luck."

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