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Josh waited quietly, hands resting on the bar, fingers drumming against the granite. To say taking Tyler out was a treat was an understatement. The boy was ecstatic the entire night and by the time he returned him to the club he was half drunk, stumbling about, giggling like a mad man and everyone knew that he was happy. Josh offered to take him home that night but Pete drove him instead, going over the rules they had already tarnished and the ones that would be broken.

"Waiting for him already?" Pete asked quietly, sliding a glass of ice water Josh's way. Josh raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"I didn't order anything," he started.

"I know, but you look like you need it. Your eyes are red, love, and you're as antsy as ever. What's got you so anxious?" Pete observed, leaning over the bar to talk to the man.

"I don't know." Josh murmured quietly, scratching at his arm. "I just don't know what's going on. I have this sick feeling- like something- like something-"

"Isn't right?" Pete cut in, tilting his head knowingly. He breathed in the scent of Josh's expensive cologne, hiding his grin with a sympathetic look.

Josh nodded slowly, running his hand through his hair, taking a drink of the water.

"It's because he's with another man?"

"What?" Josh looked up at Pete with a confused expression and Pete sighed softly.

"Tj. He's back there with Jared who quite possibly could become your worst enemy." Pete spoke and Josh laughed bitterly.

"Are you suggesting that I'm attached to a stripper in which I don't know the real name of?" Josh inquired, suddenly becoming interested in the conversation.

"Maybe. It's unusual for a man of such high standard to only give attention to one rather than all, and you've already done something Jared has never done." Pete hummed quietly as he caught sight of another man, quickly pouring him a drink.

"And what's that?"

"Gotten him out of the club." Pete answered, grinning at the man he served. "He never leaves this place until he's let off shift. And believe me, you're not the first one to ask. Just the first to succeed."

Josh crossed his arms, staring at the man.

"You didn't hear this from me, sweetheart, but your angels name is Tyler. And gosh is he something to be gentle with. We had a regular about a year ago that highly resembled a man like yourself and gosh did Tyler fall for that man." Pete spoke, looking Josh over for a moment. "Handsome guy that treated that boy nice. Real nice too, none of this Jared shit. That man came in here every night and wouldn't let anyone get a chance in that back room with Tyler.

"One night though after a few months of this, Tyler allowed this guy to really have a go. Tyler ain't no vanilla angel but when the guy practically choked him to the point of him passing out he called things off, told him how he loved him and he would do anything for him but choking him like that was just too much and  just like that... He was gone, never came back." Pete sighed once he finished, taking a drink from Josh's water.

"That's why...?"

"Why Tyler doesn't allow people to touch him during the first week or two? Yes. You see, don't be thinking I like you, I don't know you but I can tell you're so much better than Jared. Before you came along that's all Tyler ever talked about was Jared but now he talks about the both of you."

Pete picked at his nails nervously as he spoke and Josh noticed the fidget easily.

"Jared is like the same man that Tyler fell in love with; he doesn't care. However, I'm trusting that you're not the same man, and if I'm being completely honest, I'd rather you be taking that boy home rather than some blue eyed asshole. So between us, I'm rooting for you."

Josh laughed softly, shaking his head. "I mean, you've got it all wrong."

"Oh do I?" Pete asked.

"I don't like that boy, I am not attached."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah..." Josh murmured quietly, sipping at the water again. Pete looked up and sighed.

"Speak of the damned." He whispered quietly, quickly going back to his work, as if nothing had happened between the two of them.

Josh's eyes widened and he quickly looked back, glaring at the sight of Jared twirling Tyler gracefully as they walked from the back room. Josh felt a pang of jealousy engulf his nerves and he wanted nothing more than to march over to Jared and punch him in the face.

"Jealous?" Pete asked quietly.

Josh looked at him, his heart angrily fluttering in his chest.

"No..." He muttered quickly, getting up from the bar and quickly moving to the stage of the club where Ryan was performing for a well paid audience.

Josh took a seat close to the stage, ignoring the burning feeling of hatred inside his chest. Ryan noticed the pink haired man and slid over to his area of the stage with ease, not even caring if his friend Tyler would notice him working over his new boy toy. Ryan was as devious as ever.

"Haven't seen you before," Ryan whispered, stepping off the stage to sit idly in Josh's lap, his perfect pale skin warm and inviting.

"I've seen you, baby." Josh whispered quietly, letting his hands grip Ryan's hips tightly. Ryan let out a moan, half forced. They weren't Tyler's hips but god Josh loved the feeling of the boy in his lap.

"Meet me backstage after the show, love, for a much much better one." Ryan quickly moved from Josh's lap, stepping back on stage, to tease his other audience.

Little did Josh know, Pete was pointing out the scene to Tyler who was almost ready to give Ryan a good piece of his mind.

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