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"I've been looking for you all night, sir." Tyler whispered softly into Josh's ear when the man stopped to admire Ryan's erotic form on stage. Josh chuckled softly before turning around to face the boy.

"Have you? Didn't look like it when you were sucking face with the pretty man behind the bar." Josh raised his eyebrow, watching as Tyler shrugged lightly.

"He's a good kisser, what can I say?" He played it off, crossing his arms as he purposely made eye contact with the pink haired man who stood a few inches taller. "Are you jealous?" Tyler's voice showed amusement and Josh rolled his eyes at the exotic beauty.

"Oh sweet, beautiful angel." Josh purred quietly, grinning lightly when Tyler's eyebrow raised at the pet name. "Jealousy is but a desire for those who seek the attention of someone certain." He smirked lightly as he shifted a bit. "Have you been seeking my attention, angel?"

Tyler's eyes fluttered gently at the accusation and he let out a soft devilishly tempting sigh.

"If I said yes would you buy me from the man who has me tonight?" Tyler asked quietly, licking his plump lips. Josh's eyes stayed with every movement and he nodded slowly.

"Anything," he whispered lightly, lifting his hand up to touch Tyler cheek, but he stopped, fingertips dangerously close to the angels softly tanned skin. Tyler's eyes widened slightly as he stared up at Josh's face. Josh hummed softly as he moved his hand away slowly, meeting Tyler's gaze. "You're skin must be the softest, smoothest." He fantasized out loud.

Tyler's eyes closed softly and when he reopened them his gaze was much more playful than before which surprised Josh immensely. Tyler's soft, slim hands slid over Josh's chest and he grasped his shoulders lightly.

"If you're generous you can find out." He whispered softly, his eyes fluttering shut when he leaned in close to the mans ear. "You can touch this time."

"Please," Josh breathed softly and Tyler giggled.

"As long as you buy me from him." Tyler murmured as he suddenly turned Josh around with a force he didn't expect from the beauty. Josh's eyes met with the fierce bright blue eyes of another man, his skin tanned golden and dark hair slicked back neatly.

The man offered a glare before stepping forward, his body dressed in ironed out black dress pants and a white button down shirt. Josh's posture straightened out and Tyler let a soft smirk slide over his lips as both men were met face to face. He quickly stepped over to the both of them.

"Jared," Tyler purred gently, running his angel soft fingers over the mans slight stubble on his chin. The man wrapped his arm protectively around the angelic muse in return and Josh's eyes widened slightly at the contact. "He's new to this, why don't you let him take your place tonight? I'll give you an extra long show on Friday if you do." Tyler purred in the mans ear, gently pushing his arm away. "You know the rules, no touching."

The man sighed softly and nodded slightly, glaring at Josh. "I'll play with Ryan tonight baby, yeah?" The man spoke, voice smooth.

Tyler gave a gentle nod. "Don't have too much fun without me." Was all he said before the man slipped away to the stage, leaving Josh confused.

"Jared was quite angry when he found out you had me the other night," Tyler informed, slipping his hand down to Josh's, pulling him along behind him.

"He's going to have to get used to sharing because I don't plan on giving in to his want." Josh said softly.

"He was going to pay me $500." Tyler commented greedily, biting his bottom lip in excitement.

"Then I'll pay you $700." Josh said in return and Tyler shivered at the amount. His mouth was practically watering.

"With that amount I'll raise our time together to 15 minutes. I do rather enjoy your company Josh." Tyler purred, opening the door to his private room, pushing Josh in.

"Sit down baby and let me show you a good time." Tyler murmured turning the lights in the room down a few notches.

Josh took a seat in the chair, watching as Tyler slipped his careful fingers to the control panel, a soft and seductive beat entering the room through the speakers. Josh licked his lips when Tyler hummed softly, tracing the clearly apparent line of his length in his underwear.

Tyler quickly made his way over to the male, lifting his leg over his thigh, sitting down in his lap. Tyler made eye contact with Josh, his fingers gently tracing lines up the mans chest until he grabbed Josh's shoulders tightly, breathing out against the mans neck when he leaned closer.

"You want to touch me, big boy?" Tyler asked softly, gently nosing at Josh's neck. The pink haired man shivered lightly, nodding as he slowly wrapped his arms around the boys waist, placing his hands firmly on his hips.

Tyler hummed softly, gently and slowly moving his hips against Josh's thighs, his hands slowly kneading circles into the mans tense shoulders.

"God you're so good at this, angel." Josh purred quietly and Tyler grinned to himself, prideful.

"I know." He whispered softly, grinding down against Josh's clothed member. He let out a heavy sigh, his dull fingernails lightly digging into Tyler's pretty skin. The stripper let out a tantalizing moan at the slight pressure on his hips and also the friction against his panties.

"Damn- do that again." Josh whispered shakily and Tyler shook his head. Very lightly moving his hips.

"What do you say?" Tyler demanded, loving the sense of superiority he had in a moment like this.

"Please do it again, for me angel?" Josh looked into his eyes, his skin electric and his heart thudding fast in his chest. Tyler's breath fanned over his pale lips and for a single moment the stripper contemplated connecting his own soft plump lips to Josh's. But that was against his rules.

"Of course, sir." Tyler murmured, grinding down against the pink haired man a second time.

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