Chapter 6

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"I win again!" Keaton said triumphantly for like the hundredth time. We were playing xbox in the living room and this guy isnt able to be defeated, either that or i need practice. I groaned and tossed my controller onto the couch.

"I give up! You're impossible to play with!" My character died on the screen and Keaton snickered. He proceeded to finish with over five hundred thousand points. How the heck did he do that?! He set his controller down with a contented smile on his face, he then turned to me.

"Well since you obviously suck at video games, what do you want to do now?" He asked still grinning. 

"I do not suck, I'm just out of practice." I stuck my tongue out at him as i pulled my phone out. I flopped back against the couch with my legs sprawled out in front of me. Keaton rolled over on top of the couch where he was laying. I felt his hair brush against my head softly as he leaned over my shoulder. I went on to my twitter account and checked my feed. I have hardly any followers, ah well its okay. I set my phone down and closed my eyes, it was so peaceful in the living room and i was tired, it had been a long and strange day. A few minutes later my phone started going off like crazy, what the heck? I picked it up and saw hundreds of tweets. Confused i opened up twitter and my mouth dropped. I went from having 50 followers to over five thousand in a few minutes, how the heck? I heard Keaton chuckle, a small smile spread across my face.

"You did this?! How?!" I yelled as i lunged towards him. He was already one step ahead of me though, he pinned me to the floor while he tickled me. I laughed my head of and screamed. I'm one of the most ticklish people i know, so that didn't help me now. I struggled under his grip and tried to push him away but he kept his grip. I eventually stopped fighting and stayed there limp hoping he'd release me. He  propped his head up on his arm which was laying on my stomach, so basically his head was above mine. 

"Uh mind moving your arm off of me?" I asked.

"Why? I'm quite comfortable like this." He replied with a cheesy grin.

I couldn't help but laugh, his face looked so funny when he smiled like that. 

"Oh and just so you know, I told all my fans to follow you on twitter, i have close to five hundred thousand now so you should get at least ten thousand or so today." He said still on top of me.

"Thanks." I said with a small smile. I felt him release his grip slightly and that's when i wiggled out and stood up. "Ha! I did it." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Whaa, how, how did you do that so fast?" Keaton asked looking incredibly confused.

"Secret talent."

"You'll have to teach me your ways master. Then ill be able to get out getting sat on by Wes and Drew." He said bowing.

"Perhaps one day." 

We both started laughing, Drew's head popped through the doorway . He saw Keaton and i laughing and he smiled. 

"Whats going on in here?" He teased, as he walked over and plopped down on the floor.

"Nothing Drew, really. We were playing video games." Keaton said smacking Drew on the back of his head.

"Ow! Anyways bro, I'm just about to meet Wes at the beach. Were going to get a few hours in surfing while its quiet. You comin?"

"Yeah sure, ill meet you down there in a few." 

Drew nodded and left. Keaton turned to me. "Something tells me you can surf. You gonna come?" 

"Okay, i'll come." i said nodding.

"Awesome, okay you can borrow an old wet suit of my sisters. Follow me" 

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