Chapter 17

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I froze in terror not believing what i had just heard. Taylor had gone through with her plan and if anything happened to Wes because of this, it would all be my fault. 

"No, no no no this cant be happening." I said covering my face with my hands using all my strength not to break down and sob. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. Being a complete crying mess would only make this harder for everyone. I felt my hands being lifted from my face to find Keaton in front of me holding them. His hands were all shaky and clammy. I looked up to his eyes and a tear escaped and rolled down his cheek. If we didn't move now we both would break down completely. For the first time since i met the boys i took charge, as hard as it was for me, Keaton was in no shape to do it. I stood up next to Keaton and he let go of my right hand and was starting to let go of my left when i held on to it tightly, lacing my fingers through his. I could tell this helped comfort Keaton a bit and it relaxed me  so i could think about what to do.

"We have to call the police. There's no other way we can find Wes." Keaton said rubbing the tears from his cheeks.

I knew what Keaton was saying would logically work, but something inside me said that we couldn't do it that way this time. I shook my head. 

"No. Something tells me we cant call the police. We have to trust my gut on this one Keaton." I said. 

He looked at me like i was crazy and honestly, i felt even more crazy than i looked, but i knew this was the right thing to do.

"Come on, we cant wait any longer." I lead Keaton over to the door and we put our shoes on. I wrote drew a note explaining what had happened and what time we should be back. I grabbed my phone and wallet before following Keaton out the door. 


Keaton walked out of another store with a disappointed face.

"No success?" I asked even though i knew the answer. He shook his head no. We had been asking people everywhere if they had seen Wes or not. So far no one had seen him.

"What are we going to do now? I'm losing hope Avery." Keaton said, his eyes full of worry. 

For the first time since we had started looking i honestly didn't know what to do anymore. Nothing came into my mind. 

"I don't know Keats. I honestly don't know anymore."  With that i finally broke and started to cry. This time i didn't try and hold it in. I was so scared, so confused and so anxious. I buried my face in my hands as i sobbed. I felt Keaton's arms wrap me in a hug, he held me tightly and rubbed my back. We just stood there and he let me cry, he didn't try and make me feel better or to make me stop, he just listened to me cry and held me tightly. Through all of this all i could think of was a quote from a book i loved "pain demands to be felt" and man did i ever feel it right now. It ripped through my body and i felt so hurt and lost. I had never felt this way before. Eventually my sobs slowed and i stopped shaking. I forced my breathing to stop shaking and i looked up to meet Keaton's eyes, he too had red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. He smiled faintly and lifted his hand up to gently wipe away some tears away from my eyes. His fingers lingered on my cheek before he lifted his hand away. I leaned my face back into his shoulder and closed my eyes, hoping this was all a bad dream and i could wake up and none of this would've ever happened. Keaton rubbed his hands up and down my back and cleared his throat.

"You okay to keep going?" He asked me softly. 

I nodded unsure if i started to talk that i would start to cry again.

"Okay. Lets go then." Keaton said letting me go. I lifted away from him and looked at his shirt. A big wet mark was covering his shirt from where he had let me cry.

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