Chapter 10

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I ran through the hospital hallways pushing people out of my way. I had to make it in time. I ran into a room. He was gone, gone forever. "Why, why, WHY?" I yellled collapsing on the empty bed sobbing. A doctor came over and sympathetically looked at me.

"I'm so sorry Avery, Wesley was a good man. I'm so sorry we lost him. There's nothing we could've done, the waves were too rough. I'm so so sorry." He said before leaving me alone. Wesley had died surfing, my life was gone. Why Wes too, i don't understand!

I woke up with my heart pounding inside my chest. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. My head pounded as i tried to lift it. I moaned, i was in a hospital room, why? I don't remember what happened. A UV tube was attached to me and i had a bunch of machines around me. I started to panic, where is Wes? Was my dream true, where is he? I tried to call for him but nothing came out, my mouth was so dry and i couldn't. I looked to my left slowly and saw Wes sleeping on a chair beside me. I just realized that our fingers were intertwined. I breathed a sigh of relief and started to cry. I was so scared that i had lost him. What was really strange is that i was the one that is in the hospital bed not Wes, i should be the one dead if anyone. What a strange dream! I must've woken him up, he rubbed his eyes and glanced over at me. His hazel eyes that once had a happy sparkle were now dead. It took a few seconds before he registered that i was awake. He didn't say anything he just came over and hugged me tightly. I started to cry harder and just held him tightly, i felt him shake, he had started to cry. He eventually pulled away and his eyes were all red and puffy, his face stained with tears.

"Ave." He choked out. "You woke up. You've been in a coma for the past month, the doctors said that you might never wake up. They didn't think you'd live for much longer." He started to break down again.

I lifted my hand and held his. "Hey its okay, I'm okay now. Everything is going to be okay Wes." 

"I was so scared Ave, i thought i lost you forever. I couldn't live without you." He said with his eyes full of tears. 

The door opened and a doctor walked in holding a clipboard, once he saw me awake he smiled.

"Avery, welcome back! I'm so relieved you woke up. How do you feel?"

"Okay, my head hurts and its hard to move my legs and arms."

"That's normal, ill get you something that'll help dull the pain. Do you remember what happened?" He asked jotting notes down.

I shook my head. "Its really fuzzy, the only thing i remember is those girls." 

"That's good you can remember a bit, you were attacked by three girls, you fell and your head hit a rock knocking you unconscious. If this young man wasn't walking along the beach and found you, you would've died. Healing is going to be slow, after you're able to go home you'll need to take it easy. Lots of rest and no hard exercise or movement. Even after you feel normal you still need to pace yourself and go easy. You might experience black outs and dizziness from time to time, but that's okay. Your head has been damaged so it will take a few months before you're back to normal. If your tests come back fine you should be able to head home tomorrow, okay?"

I nodded. He left and i turned back to Wes. "You saved my life. How did you find me?" 

He smiled a bit. "After we found out you had left, i started to look for you. I had a feeling you went to our cove so i walked the beach there. I saw what happened Ave, those girls are seriously messed up. I cant believe they'd do that too you, over me! I saw them leave and you lying there. I thought you died, but you were alive. I brought you to the hospital and I've hardly left since. I surprised the nurses and doctors haven't gotten annoyed with me always being here. I just couldn't live my life knowing you were here in a coma. I've missed you Ave, like a lot." He said with a smile

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