Chapter 12

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"Oh my GOODNESS! Guys look its Emblem3!" We had just picked up our luggage and were about to head to the hotel. Girls were swarming the doors near us, they all were screaming and freaking out. The guys all waved and flashed them smiles as we waited for security to hold everyone back before we went outside. When they gave us the go, Keaton grabbed my hand and led me outside behind Wes and Drew. We were surrounded by camera flashes and everyone screaming and yelling questions. Then they noticed me. Everyone started taking photos of me and asking who i was. I really didn't like this, i started to feel very uncomfortable and my head started to hurt.

"Keaton, i need to get out of here now!" I said starting to panic. Keaton nodded and talked to a security guy.

"Everyone back up! Back, back!" He pushed everyone back and there was an opening to our car.

"C'mon lets go, Ave." Keaton said in my ear leading me towards the car. I nodded and followed. All the camera flashes made it hard to see and the screaming only intensified as we got to the car. I slipped in the back seat, Keaton yelled at the top of his lungs."Good bye everyone! I love you!" Before slipping in the car beside me. Wes and Drew took a few photos before waving goodbye and joining us in the car. We left the massive amount of girls, a few of them started to run after us. Wes and Keaton got it on video. Wow! Well that was a crazy experience! I had no idea how crazy their fans are! I haven't really encountered more than a few chill ones when i was out with the guys.

"That was so epic! I love our fans here!" Wes said fist pumping the air. As we drove along to our hotel everyone agreed that Toronto was a beautiful city! We eventually pulled up at our hotel after getting lost a few times, their management had some 'issues' finding the right one. Thankfully no fans were there waiting for us. We checked in and headed up to our room. Wes opened the door to the room we'd all be sharing. The rest of their crew had different rooms. I followed him in with Keaton and Drew behind me, to find a girl with long straight brown hair sitting on one the beds. I swear if this was one of those crazy fans i'm going to hit someone or something hard! When she saw Wes walk in her face lit up and she broke into a grin.

"Wes!" She said wrapping him in a hug. I watched Wes, he didn't hug her back he just stood there with a hurt and angry look on his face. She eventually let go and they just stood there looking at each other.

"What are you doing here Taylor?" Wes asked glaring at her as he stood next to me.

You could feel the tension in the room. No one said anything, we just watched. I was really confused, who is Taylor and why is she here? How does Wes know her and how did she know we'd be here? And most importantly what happened between them? As if Keaton could read my thoughts he cleared his throat, everyone looked at him.

"Avery and i are going sightseeing. We'll be back in a bit." With that he pulled me out the door and shut it behind him.

"What was that all abo-"

"Ill explain once we get out of here." Keaton said. We made our way downstairs and eventually got outside. We walked along the busy streets, car horns honked and tires screeched. People constantly rushed by us as we walked. It was a really busy city! Living outside of L.A, there isn't really any traffic at all. We found a walkway by the harbor, it was quiet and pretty much empty except for a few people walking.

"Taylor is Wes' ex girlfriend. They dated for a good year before and through the xfactor and they both were the happiest I've seen. Wes especially. Taylor was the first girl Wes fell head over heels for. I've actually never seen him look at a girl like he looked at Taylor." He smiled sadly. "Just before we were voted off the show, Taylor broke it off with Wes and moved down here. It turns out she was cheating on Wes for awhile. Wes wouldn't talk to anyone for a while after it happened. He kept himself locked in his room and wouldn't come out for anything. He wrote a lot of music during then. What happened broke him badly. It took him a long time before he started to smile and laugh. During interviews and things we did he put on the happy act for everyone. When he met you though things changed. The old real Wes came back. Hes been the happiest hes been in a year or so. Now Taylor decides to show up and screw up everything again. I don't want her to hurt Wes again, not after what she did to him before." Keaton finished with a sigh.

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