Chapter 6

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Merry Christmas my lovely babies sorry its taking so long to update. But as my gift to you here is a new chapter.


I was laying in my cell while Glenn and Hershel made rounds I wasn't fully dilated yet so there was nothing that could be done. I stared through the opening of my cell looking out. I didn't see much besides the rail and cells on the other side. I laid my head back against the pillow and rubbed my stomach. Where was Daryl? He should be back by now its been over a day. My heart started to race and my body started to shake. My mind was assuming the worst and I felt ready to have a panic attack. I sat up slightly as far as I could.

"Ugh, you have--have to be---kidding" I said.

My chest was heaving and then I got a sharp pain in my stomach. This was no ordinary pregnancy pain. This was something else this was different. I felt it again and clutched my stomach. Something was wrong? My baby!! Oh my god! I was so scared I literally started to cry.

"Hershel" I called.

When Hershel got to my cell I was in tears. He crossed over to me and knelt down.

"Al what is it?"

I cried as I clutched my stomach again  feeling that same pain.

"My stomach...ah a horrible pain" I gritted.

I coughed and more blood landed onto the floor.

"Oh my god Adelyne. Just hold on."

Hershel handed me the thermos of tea and I drank some and leaned onto my back.

"Hershel I hurt all over...where's Daryl?" I cried.

Hershel brushed my hair back from my face.

"Just hang in there Al, you're going to be okay" he said.

I wiped the tears from my eyes. I took a few deep breaths. This wasn't exactly how I imagined things. I knew I wasn't going to get my fantasy but I at least wanted something nice. But not everyone gets what they want.

"Hershel I need you to do something for me."

He looked at me.


"If--I don't make it--tell Daryl-"

"Stop it! Stop it right now. You're going to be fine, calm down."

I took a few deep breaths trying to calm down but gunfire made me shoot up. I winced in pain,

"Ah, what the hell was that?" I asked worried.

Hershel looked at me seriously.

"Stay here do not move you understand?"

I nodded and he walked out closing the cell I was in.



When we got back to the prison it was dark. We rolled up and Tyreese leaped out of the van followed by me. I looked around at the grounds. There were walkers everywhere, I looked over to see Rick,

"What happened?"

Rick walked closer to me.

"Fence broke we took them all out but we really need to do something" he explained.

I nodded.


Before he had a chance to answer we heard shots coming from inside. I took off inside with the others who had the medicine.


Shots were ringing and there was yelling. I seen that some of our people had become walkers and I swung taking one out. I bounded up the steps and seen Maggie and on the ground while pumping air into Glenns lungs.

"Oh my god Maggie" she looked up.

"He's okay, go to Adelyne she's in the closed cell" she explained.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Why is she in here? She sick?"'

Maggie looked up at me seriously.

"No one told you? Adelyne's in labor."

My eyes widened and I ran straight into the only cell that was shut.


I opened the cell yelling.


She was pale and laying on the bed. I had seen blood on the ground  and my fear started to consume me.

"Help! Help! Hershel!" I screamed.

I patted Adelyne's face softly but enough to get her attention. She groaned and weakly opened her eyes and looked up at me.

"Daryl?" she spoke weakly.

"Yes baby?"

Her hand slowly lifted and touched my face and I held her hand kissing it.

"Are you real?"

I laid my forehead on hers.

"Yes I'm here. I'm home."

Bob appeared in the doorway rushing in with meds followed by Hershel.

"Wait, she's pregnant. Will the meds-"

"She'll be okay. Daryl she needs to push, or..."

I nodded and sat behind Adelyne holding her upright.

"Come on baby, we need your help here. You can do it" I spoke into her ear.

Hershel had his hands on her knees and a flashlight. Adelyne stirred and she gripped my arm and buried her face into my arm screaming. I held her grabbing her hair,

"Very good Adelyne, ready?"

I felt Adelyne grip me again and screamed  in agonizing pain. Hershel counted while she pushed and smiled.

"I see a head."

My stomach started to get butterflies. Adelyne's head slowly moved,


"Al sweetie you need to push again."

I stroked her hair and I felt her grip on my jacket again and she pushed letting out a scream that made the hair on my arms start up. She buried her face in my arm to silence her cries. After what felt like hours. I heard a baby cry I smiled and so did Hershel,

"It's a boy" he told me as he wrapped him up.

I had a son. I stroked Adelyne's hair but she didn't move.


I moved her head and realized she was unconscious and panic swept through my body.


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