Apologies and AmendsChapters Next

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Apologies and AmendsChapters Next
Rainbow Dash flew towards the castle after her performance with the Wonderbolts, feeling both exhilarated and exhausted from all the events that have happened. Just a few hours earlier she was accused of tricking Spitfire, went on an investigation with Rarity to prove her innocence, exposed the real culprit Wind Rider, and managed to get his spot in the Wonderbolt show. Although flying with the Wonderbolts was everything Rainbow Dash dreamed it would be and more, she still felt awful about how the Wonderbolts doubted her immediately, as if she couldn't be trusted.
'C'mon Rainbow, it was just a little misunderstanding and they already made it up to you by apologizing and letting you fly in the show, so why do I still feel upset?'
Rainbow Dash wondered as she entered the East Tower of the castle and headed towards her room. Rainbow Dash was so deep in thought that she didn't realize where she was going and bumped into somepony.
"Oof, sorry," Rainbow Dash said,, as she looked to see whom she ran into.
"Soarin?!" the rainbow mare exclaimed in alarm, "I am so, so, so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and- ­" Rainbow Dash was silenced by an iceberg blue wingtip pressed to her mouth by an amused Soarin.
"Hey, it's all cool Dash, I wasn't looking where I was going either," Soarin replied with a goofy smile. "Actually, I was kinda hoping to run into you. I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you today."
"You do?"
"Yeah, I treated you terribly! I immediately jumped to conclusions and raised my voice on you when you were completely innocent! I should've been a better leader," sighed Soarin, as he hung his head.
Rainbow couldn't believe it. She knew she wanted an apology, but she never actually expected to get one from Soarin himself or see him admit his mistakes to her.
"It's no biggie Soarin, heck, even I was starting to believe that I was guilty. And it wasn't just you, everyone suspected it was me, except Rarity," Rainbow Dash said comfortingly.
"I know, but I still feel awful about it. Here, let me make it up to you by treating you to dinner tonight at Donut Joe's."
"But you guys already let me fly in the show."
"I know, but I just don't feel like that's enough. C'mon Dash, please?"
Rainbow looked at the stallion's pleading face and couldn't help but let out a giggle of amusement.
"Of course I'll let you treat me to dinner you big goofball! I mean, who doesn't love free food! Hanging out with a wonderbolt is a plus too," Rainbow said, with a laugh as Soarin's anxious face turned into one of delight.
"Ok then, let's go!" Soarin said, as he flew out of the East Wing and into the night sky, dragging Rainbow with him by her hoof.
"Hey! I can fly by myself, ya know," Rainbow protested, turning slightly red.
"Oh, right. Sorry..." Soarin said cheekily.
Not long after, the two pegasi touched down in front of Donut Joe's place and went inside.
"Hey, Rainbow Dash! Haven't seen you since the gala, whatcha doing in Canterlot?" asked Donut Joe, completely oblivious of the wonderbolt in his presence.
"Oh, the usual. Just hanging with wonderbolts and performing with them in shows. Speaking of which this is Soarin, second in command on the wonderbolt team." Rainbow stated proudly.
Donut Joe's eyes and mouth became the size of donuts as he realized who was with Dash.
"I'm mighty sorry Mr. Soarin, I didn't recognize you without your uniform on!" Donut Joe said, as his face began to turn red from embarrassment.
Soarin chuckled, "It's fine. Could we have a chocolate donut and an apple pie?"
"Why certainly!" Said Donut Joe as he hurried off to fulfill their orders.
Rainbow Dash and Soarin sat down at a table, staring awkwardly at each other.
"You know I could've ordered for myself Mr. Soarin," Rainbow said with a wink.
Soarin's face began to turn red.
"Well, I just wanted to be nice and order for you, Dashie."
'Dashie? Did he just call me Dashie?'
"Uh, what did you just call me?"
"I don't know, what do you think Dashie?" Soarin said with a smirk as she was the one turning red now.
Rainbow turned away from him, trying to hide her blush.
"That's something only Pinkie calls me, and I only let her do it because I can't make her stop."
"Oh is that so? Well, now that will be something Pinkie and I both call you, cause you can't make me stop either Dashie," Soarin said with a playful grin, clearly enjoying every second of teasing Rainbow.
Before Rainbow could tell Soarin to be quiet, Donut Joe came over and laid a fresh chocolate donut in front of her and a warm apple pie in front of Soarin. Rainbow Dash ate her donut quietly as she observed Soarin gleefully eyeing his pie. Soarin quickly buried his face into it, savoring the rich apple flavors overflowing on his tastebuds. He heard somepony snickering, and lifted his head to see Rainbow Dash doubling over with laughter.
"Wha wo fummy?" asked Soarin with crumbs all over his muzzle.
You... look.... ridiculous!" Rainbow Dash snorted in between laughs.
Soarin quickly wiped his muzzle with a napkin, a slight blush of embarrassment forming on his cheeks.
"Hey, that's no way to speak to the second in command of the wonderbolts! I should have you do 50 wing­ups right now," Soarin said in a mock­serious tone.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry!" Rainbow said as she tried to contain her laughter.
After Soarin paid for their meal, the two pegasi walked out into the fresh air of the night.
"Hey, wanna go for a night fly?" asked Rainbow Dash.
"Sure. I gotta burn off all those calories from that pie anyway."
Rainbow rolled her eyes before rocketing into the sky, leaving a rainbow trail behind her.
"Catch me if you can!"
"Hey, I thought night flies were supposed to be relaxing!" Soarin commented as he flew after her.
Rainbow darted in and out of clouds, trying to shake Soarin off her tail, but he was a Wonderbolt after all, and quickly caught up to her. Soarin was just about to catch Rainbow Dash, when she doubled back, causing him to fly straight into a cloud. Soarin heard snickering above him for the second time that night, and hastily pulled himself out of the cloud and dusted himself off. Meanwhile, Rainbow was laughing herself to tears above him.
"Bwahahahaha, I can't... believe... you fell for that, literally!" she said between laughs before being tackled onto a nearby cloud by Soarin.
The two tumbled all over the cloud, both trying to pin the other down in their fun. Finally, Soarin managed to pin down Rainbow Dash with his forelegs, their faces a breath apart.
"Ha! Gotcha..." Soarin trailed off.
His emerald eyes stared into Rainbow's magenta orbs, lost in their beauty. Woah, her eyes are gorgeous!

 Woah, her eyes are gorgeous!

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Not mine but from DeviantART.

"Uh, Soarin? Are you going to get off me or what?" said a confused Rainbow Dash, blushing furiously. Soarin immediately released her, his face growing hot.
"Er, sorry about that," Soarin said sheepishly.
"It's cool. You're the first pony I've met that could pin me down for that long in a cloud wrestle," Rainbow Dash said as she lay down on her side on the cloud. Soarin lay next to her too, but made sure to leave a little space between them so they weren't touching.
"Hey Dashie," Soarin said hesitantly, "We're cool about what happened earlier right?"
"Course we are Soarin. Everypony makes mistakes," Rainbow Dash said with a yawn. "Wow, isn't Luna's moon so beautiful tonight?"
"It sure is."
'But it's not the only beautiful thing tonight', Soarin thought, as he observed the moonlight reflecting off the rainbow mare's coat and mane. 'Stop it Soarin! You shouldn't be thinking those things! Just focus on the moon, nothing else.'
Suddenly a gust of wind blew their way, causing Dash to shiver and huddle closer to Soarin by accident. She quickly retreated to her original position, her face growing hot.
"You cold?"
"N-­no, why would I be?" stammered Dash, as she shivered in spite of herself. Soarin rolled his eyes and draped his wing over Rainbow Dash's body, pulling her closer to him. Rainbow's blush intensified as she avoided eye contact with Soarin.
[i,]Why is he doing this? And more importantly, why am I feeling this way?! C'mon Dash, it's just a friendly gesture, no biggie.,
Soarin focused on the moon in order to stop thinking about Rainbow, when he felt a growing warmth on his side. He looked down to find an exhausted Rainbow Dash sleeping on him, an innocent smile playing on her lips. Soarin's face lit up on fire, grateful that she was asleep so she wouldn't see him so embarrassed. Guilt flooded over him.
'How could I have ever thought that you were responsible for Spitfire's absence?'

'How could I have ever thought that you were responsible for Spitfire's absence?'

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Not mine, got it from DeviantART.

It grew colder as the night went on, and Soarin knew he had to wake up Dash so she could go to sleep in a proper bed, but couldn't bring himself to disturb her. With a sigh, he gently place her on his back and flew her back to her room in the East Wing. Soarin tucked Rainbow Dash into her bed, admiring how peaceful she looked.
"Good night Dashie," he whispered, before gently closing the door.
As Soarin turned around to go back to his room, he came face to face with a smirking Spitfire.
So where've ya been Soar? You missed the after party in the castle gardens."
"Uh, I just treated Rainbow Dash to dinner and went on a night fly with her as an apology for what happened earlier today," said Soarin, with a stupid grin on his face.
Spitfire gave him a suspicious look. "You sure that's not the only reason?"
Soarin felt his cheeks burn. "Yes I'm sure! She just got tired at the end, so I carried her back to her room. End of story. Catch ya later Spit," Soarin said, as he bolted out of the East Tower.
chuckled to herself as she walked back to her room.
'Surprise will be dying to hear this one.'
Author's note: I hope you like the first chapter of the story there will be another one coming. 😉😁😄😃😋😉

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