Is that a Dare

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Author's note: this is the part where soarin and dash kiss under the mistletoe and it will lead to tears to.

Soarin led Rainbow Dash to a balcony looking out over all of Canterlot, a light flurry of snowflakes cascading down on them.
"Woah..." Rainbow breathed, taking in her surroundings.
Soarin chuckled to himself, enjoying seeing the mare speechless for once. A tiny snowflake spiraled down and landed delicately on the tip of Rainbow's nose, causing her to become cross-eyed. Soarin smiled tenderly at her.
'Aww, she looks so cute like that!'
Rainbow's eyes were filled with wonder as she observed all the intricate details etched into the snowflake. The snowflake gradually began to melt from the warmth of Dash's nose much to her disappointment, till it was nothing more but a memory.
'How could something so small hold so much beauty?' Rainbow wondered.
"Never seen snow before?" Soarin asked.
"Huh? What?" Rainbow Dash said as she came back to her senses, "Oh. I have, just not that up close."
"Wanna see what up close really looks like?" Soarin asked with a smirk, before flicking some snow from the balcony at Dash with his wing tips.
"Hey! That's cold!" Rainbow exclaimed as she was showered by snow. She shook herself off, and immediately swept snow back at Soarin using
her wings. Soon an all out snow battle was taking place as the two pegasi kept powdering each other.
"Surrender now!" Rainbow Dash said as she held up one of her wings to shield herself from the snow.
"Never!" Soarin said as he fired back.
Rainbow kept showering Soarin with snow, till his coat began to look more white than blue.
"Alright, alright, I surrender!" Soarin resigned as he spat out snowflakes.
Rainbow smiled triumphantly. The two pegasi were soaking wet and shivering in the cold, but they broke into laughter anyway.
"Rarity's going to kill me!" Rainbow Dash groaned as she observed her damp dress.
"Might as well stay out here and wait for her to find us, right?" Soarin said.
"Yeah, might as well." Rainbow agreed as she looked out over Canterlot again.
An awkward silence hung over them as they didn't know what to talk about, so they just watched the snow fall together.
"Uh, Rainbow Dash?" Soarin said, his head raised.
"Yeah?" Rainbow responded, and turned to look at him.
Rainbow Dash followed his gaze upward and her eyes widened in surprise. Levitating above them was a clump of mistletoe with a light blue magic aurora surrounding it.
"Rarity!" Rainbow yelled at the white unicorn hiding behind the buffet table along with Pinkie Pie, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot, her horn obviously lit.

"Rarity!" Rainbow yelled at the white unicorn hiding behind the buffet table along with Pinkie Pie, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot, her horn obviously lit

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Not my art got my from DeviantART.

"Whaaat? You can't expect us to not give you a little push darling," Rarity said in defense.
"All of you are in on this?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow, her face growing hot.
"Course we are! We're here for Soarin though." Fleetfoot explained.
Rainbow Dash glared at all four of them, before returning to Soarin who also looked quite flustered.
"So uh..." Soarin stammered.
"Yeah..." Rainbow Dash trailed off.
"C'mon Rarity, ya know she'll never kiss him!" Pinkie Pie provoked.
"Is that a dare?" Rainbow said with a bold grin.
'I never refuse a dare. Never. Especially when my heroes are watching.'
"Maaaybee..." Pinkie said innocently as she and Fleetfoot silently hoof bumped.
"Well then, challenge accepted." Rainbow said as she turned to face Soarin.
"Rainbow, you don't have to-mph!" Soarin was cut off by Rainbow's lips on his as four audible gasps erupted from their onlookers. Soarin opened his wings in surprise and his eyes widened in shock at the fact that she actually kissed him. As soon as it started though, Rainbow Dash broke the kiss, blushing furiously and not making eye contact with Soarin.

  As soon as it started though, Rainbow Dash broke the kiss, blushing furiously and not making eye contact with Soarin

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Not mine either, got it from DeviantART too.

"There, ya happy!" she yelled at their audience who had their jaws on the floor.
Soarin just stared off into space as his mind tried to contemplate what just happened, his face turning redder by the second.
"I-I gotta go," Rainbow said, before flying off the balcony and into the night sky.
"Rainbow, wait!" Soarin said, as he came back to his senses and flew after her.
Pinkie was the first to come out of her trance.
"Dashie actually did it! Weeee!!!!! Now I can throw her a 'Congrats on Your First Kiss' party!" Pinkie Pie shrieked as she threw confetti into the
"I'm surprised she made the move!" Rarity said, her eyes still wide.
"Me too! I thought Soarin would be the one to do it, not her!" Spitfire said incredulously.
"Nah, I totally knew Rainbow would do it," Fleetfoot lied.
The three ponies all gave her skeptical eyebrows.
"Okay, fine I didn't!" Fleetfoot relented, crossing her arms.
"Should we go after them?" asked Spitfire.
"I think it's best not to, darling. I'm sure Rainbow Dash is going through a lot of emotions right now and would rather not be bothered," Rarity said.

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