Training Day

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Author's note: just so you know this is a Hearts Warming Eve Winter kind of story for you to enjoy. So just leave a comment one what you think of this story.

Training Day PreviousChapters Next
Rainbow Dash slowly woke up due to someone gently shaking her.  She groaned as she opened her eyes to find Tank slowly rocking her.  She smiled at him and glanced at the clock.  It read 9:00 am.
"Waah!  How did I sleep in so long! I gotta hurry if I want to make it to Cloudsdale on time!" exclaimed Rainbow as she flew out of bed to brush her teeth.  A few seconds later she streaked down the stairs, grabbed a hay burger, and flew out the door towards Cloudsdale.
"Thanks for waking me up Tank, see you later!" shrieked Rainbow as she flew away.
Rainbow Dash ate her hay burger while she flew, thinking about what kind of training she and the other recruits would be going through today.  Maybe they'll teach us one of their signature moves, or some new drills, or maybe we'll even get to race them!  Oh, I can't keep it in anymore, I'M GONNA BE TRAINING WITH THE WONDERBOLTS!!! Rainbow fangirl squealed.
A few moments later, Rainbow Dash touched down in front of the Wonderbolts Headquarters with minutes to spare.  She checked in at the office, changed into her recruit outfit, and headed out onto the track to join the others.  Rainbow Dash scanned the pegasi for familiar faces, and stopped at Thunderlane. How did he land this job?  Rainbow fluttered over to stand next to him.
"Hey Thunderlane, I didn't know you were a recruit too. Are you excited for practice today?" asked Rainbow Dash enthusiastically.
"Oh hey Rainbow, yeah I guess so.  I heard that today's practice is different than usual," informed Thunderlane.
"Really? Do you know how?"
"No, but I hope it isn't challenging."
"Are you kidding?! I live for challenges!"
"Yeah, well I don't," Thunderlane said flatly.
Lazy Thunderlane.  Hope he doesn't call in sick like last time.
"Attention!" said a voice that none other belonged to Spitfire.
All the recruits immediately stopped talking and stood up straight in a single file line.
"As you all probably have heard already, today's practice is going to be different than usual.  From now on, each of you will be trained individually by a randomly picked wonderbolt instead of in a class.  They will help you improve your speed, agility, and strength.  You and your trainer will meet up once a week for training wherever you like, so make sure not to miss it.  Are there any questions?" said Spitfire as she walked down the line of recruits.
"No Ma'am," replied all the reserves.
"Alright then, I will start picking your trainers right now."
Oh man!  This is gonna be sweet!  I really hope I get Spitfire as my trainer, she is the Captain of the Wonderbolts after all, but I wouldn't mind settling for Soarin or Fleetfoot either. 
Spitfire trotted over to two hats, one labeled reserves and the other wonderbolts.  She reached into the reserve hat first and pulled out a slip of paper, then did the same with the wonderbolt hat.  All the recruits held their breath, waiting to hear their pairings.
"Raindrop, you're with Surprise.  Clear Skies, you're with Misty Fly.  Midnight Strike, you're with Rapidfire.  Star Hunter with Fleetfoot, Pizzelle with High Winds, Thunderlane with me, and Rainbow Dash with Soarin."
Rainbow Dash shook her head.  Soarin is my trainer?!  Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!!  Even if Thunderlane got Spitfire, I can't believe I landed myself the second in command of the wonderbolts!  Ah, poor Thunderlane.  Looks like he is going to be in for a challenge after all, Rainbow chuckled to herself.  All the cadets made their way towards their wonderbolt trainers, both eager and nervous to get started.  Rainbow Dash did her best to swallow a fangirl scream as she stood proudly next to Soarin.
"You may begin training here or move to a different location,"  Spitfire announced before leading an extremely nervous Thunderlane to a secluded area of the track to do their training.
All the other teams began moving to their own areas, some staying put while others flew away to train elsewhere.
Rainbow Dash looked at Soarin expectantly.  "So uh, are we gonna train here or go somewhere else coach?"
"What do you think Dashie?" Soarin asked as he spread his wings and took off into the sky.
"Hey!" Rainbow yelled as she shot up after him, "Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
Author's note: just so you know sorry that this chapter is short cause I though of splitting it.

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