Interrogations and Denial

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Author's note: just so you all know this is going to have a lot of teasing and truth or dare stuff they will ask of them oh and a there is a bet coming on to Hehehehee.

Back in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash threw open the door to the throne room in Twilight's castle, where all her friends were already waiting for her.
"Hey guys, did I miss much?"
"Rainbow darling, you made it!  No, no, you didn't miss anything at all except our futile attempts to find the rest of Pinkie Pie's hidden party cannons," Rarity informed.
"Whaaat?  Party cannons make everything more exciting!" Pinkie said, just as one of them went off.
"Whew, that's good.  Well then, let's get this sleepover started!" Rainbow Dash whooped, as she flew around the room.
Pinkie Pie hit the music and everyone began to dance in their own unique way, especially Twilight.  Once everyone was tired of that, Pinkie had a great idea.
"Hey, do you guys want to play 'Guess Who I Am'?" she asked excitedly.
"Sure, I'll go first," volunteered Applejack.  "Oh darling!  That outfit completely clashes with your mane and oh my, those boots are absolutely hideous!"  Applejack said in a prissy voice.
Everypony began to roll on the floor laughing, except Rarity.
"Hmf!  Alright, guess who I am!  I love buckin' apples with ma family and can tell ya everythin' about them apples! Apple, apple, app- mph!" said Rarity, before Applejack stuffed an apple into her mouth.
"Ooh, ooh, me next!" squealed Pinkie Pie.  Pinkie began to move her lips, but no sound came out.
"Uh, Pinkie?  How are we supposed to guess who you are pretending to be if you aren't speaking," pointed out Twilight.
"What do you mean Twilight?  I am speaking, but I'm speaking so quietly that you can't even hear me!" Pinkie explained.
"I can hear you just fine," murmured Fluttershy.
"Oh, now I know who you were playing," Twilight said, embarrassed.
Pinkie Pie face hoofed.  "Sheesh Twilight, you're slow.  Your turn Fluttershy!"
"Oh, ok.  Hey, look at me!  I like to throw parties and make ponies smile and tend to be unpredictable!"  Fluttershy said with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.
"You and me both sister!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, from the top of the tree root chandelier.
"Do come down, darling.  You could get hurt!" Rarity said nervously.
"Whatcha talking about Rarity?" Pinkie asked, as she was now standing right next to her.
"Gah! Pinkie, you scared me!" Rarity yelped.
"Alright everypony, it's my turn!" declared Rainbow Dash.  "Ahem.  Dear Princess Celestia, I really, really, really like books because I'm an egghead!  I also need an endless supply of writing quills because of my crazy checklists!"
Twilight gave Rainbow an unamused look as everypony laughed themselves to tears.
"Hmph!  My turn.  I love to fly and my dream is to become a wonderbolt and I have a crush on Soarin!" Twilight said while wearing a pair of sunglasses.
Rainbow Dash immediately snatched the sunglasses from Twilight and put them on.  "You were pretty much spot on except that I don't have a crush on Soarin,"  Rainbow pointed out, a slight tinge on her cheeks.
"Oh, come on now, Rainbow darling.  It's quite obvious!  Didn't you see the way he was flirting with you in Canterlot?" Rarity objected.
"Rarity!  It's just too awkward, especially now that he is my personal trainer too."
"WHAT!" everypony exclaimed, as another party cannon went off.
'Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that.'
"Uh, look everypony!  Cake!" Rainbow Dash said quickly.
"Ooh! I want some!" Pinkie Pie said before she stuffed her face into the cake while the others just kept staring at Rainbow.
"What?  If you want to talk about crushes, go ask Twilight about that crystal guard!"
Everypony then turned to Twilight.
"Oh, I remember him!  Flash Sentry, I think.  My, you can never stop blushing around him Twilight!" Rarity said slyly.
Twilight immediately began to turn a deep shade of purple.  "I do not!"
"Ooh, ooh!  My little sister Marble Pie also has a crush on Big Mac!"  Pinkie Pie shrieked.
Rainbow Dash lowered her sunglasses slowly as everypony just gawked at her.
"WHAT! Big Mac never told me?!  Ya know we could still be related?  Argh, that just makes everythin' more awkward!" Applejack freaked out.
"And I thought that Pinkie Pie liked Cheese Sandwich," Fluttershy pointed out.
"What!  No I don't!  That's really cheesy thinking!" Pinkie clamped her mouth shut as her eyes shifted around nervously.
"Ug, all this sappy talk is making me sick!  Can we pleaasse change the subject?" moaned Rainbow Dash, making a face.
Rarity rolled her eyes, "Alright Rainbow, but only for you.  Now, who wants to hear about my latest ideas for next year's fashion line?"
Everypony groaned as Rarity began her lecture.
Soarin was sure he lost Spitfire and Fleetfoot in the mess hall as he sat down to eat his apple pie, when he felt a tap on his shoulder, and came face to face with Fleetfoot and Spitfire, sly smiles on their faces.
"Wah!" Soarin yelled, as he flew up in surprise.
Spitfire and Fleetfoot bursted out laughing, as the two hoof bumped.
"You can't run from your captain, Soarin!" Spitfire chuckled.
Soarin sighed in defeat, as he returned to his seat.  "Okay, you found me.  Now what questions do you want me to answer?"
"Actually, we wanted to play Truth or Dare with you," Fleetfoot said.
'I don't really have a choice do I.'
"Alright, I'll go first," Soarin said. "Spit, truth or dare."
"Hmm, have you ever had a special somepony?"
Spitfire face began to burn a little.  "Yes, and I'm not saying who.  Fleetfoot, truth or dare?"
"Dare, duh."
Spitfire and Soarin rolled their eyes.  "I dare you to do the chicken dance right now."
"What?!  You're not gonna make her do something more embarrassing!" complained Soarin.
Spitfire just ignored him as Fleetfoot flew to the center of the mess hall and began to do the chicken dance complete with sound effects.  All the wonderbolts bursted out in laughter, but Fleetfoot was unfazed by it as she landed smoothly in front of the two.
"Bam! Ok, Soarin truth or dare?" Fleetfoot asked.
'If I choose truth, she probably going to ask me about Rainbow Dash, but if I choose dare she still might ask me about her, but there's a chance she won't.'
"Uh, dare."
"Hm, I dare you to choose truth right now," Fleetfoot said with a sly grin.
Soarin looked baffled.  "What?! Can you even do that?"
"Uh, yeah. So, are you going to do it?" Fleetfoot said expectantly.
"Ug, fine.  I choose truth," Soarin grumbled.
Fleetfoot gave Spitfire a knowing look.  "Ok, do you like Rainbow Dash?"
'I knew she would do this!'
"I uh... I don't..." Soarin muttered, averting his gaze from the two as his face grew hot.
"Mmhmm, riiiight..." Spitfire snickered.
"I dare you to ask her out!" Fleetfoot challenged.
"Hey!  You can only ask me once!"
"Oh, fine.  But I still dare you to ask her out!"
"Why do you guys keep thinking that something's going on between us?"
"Oh, just because she saved your life three times if you count your pie, and you two danced together at the royal wedding," Fleetfoot pointed out.
Soarin's blush increased.  "You saw that?"
"It's not that hard to miss a rainbow mare dancing with a wonderbolt in the spotlight," explained Spitfire.
"Oh, right.  Gosh, I'm full.  Guess I should head out to the practice arena, see you guys out there!" Soarin faked as he quickly flew out of the mess hall.
Fleetfoot and Spitfire looked at each other before bursting out into laughter.
"I'll give you 50 bits if he asks her out someday," Fleetfoot offered.
"Deal," Spitfire said as the two shook hooves.

Author's note: well now who is going to win the bet? Spitfire or fleetfoot? Choose who will be your first choice of these two. 

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