Synchro Flying

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Synchro Flying PreviousChapters Next
Rainbow Dash watched the Wonderbolts headquarters grow smaller and smaller in the sky, till it was nothing but a speck on the horizon. 
"Hey Dashie, who was that stallion you were talking to earlier?" Soarin asked a little tensely.
"Oh, you mean Thunderlane?  I just know him on the Ponyville weather team, that's all.  Why?" Rainbow asked.
"Uh, just wondering..." Soarin said, feeling a weight lift off of him knowing that he wasn't someone close to Rainbow Dash.
A few minutes later, both pegasi touched down on a cloud, far away from the others.
Rainbow Dash gave Soarin a puzzled look.  "Uh, Soarin?  There's nothing here but open skies".
"That's the point.  This way we can focus on your training without any distractions.  Now, I want you to show me your flying skills," replied Soarin seriously.
"Like ya need to ask me twice!" said Rainbow before taking off into the sky.
Rainbow Dash started out with some intricate loops and corkscrews in the air to show her agility.  Next, she busted a whole row of large clouds in ten seconds flat to show her strength.  And now for the big finale, the Sonic Rainboom.  Rainbow Dash gained as much altitude as she could before letting gravity take over her body, pulling her towards earth.  Rainbow strained her wings as much as she could as she freefalled, her eyes stinging from the wind.  Rainbow Dash could see a cone of air start to form around her as she gained more momentum.  I'm going to do it!  Rainbow closed her eyes as she felt herself break the sound barrier, a spectrum of colors erupting from all sides of her as a blazing rainbow trail streaked behind her.
"Aw, yeah!!!"  Rainbow Dash yelled as she landed smoothly in front of slack-jawed Soarin.
"That... was...AMAZING!!!"  Soarin exclaimed as he did a flip.  "Er, I mean, that was pretty good.  You apparently have excellent skills as a solo flyer," Soarin reddened as he tried to regain his composure. Professionalism Soarin.  Even though we're friends, I still got to treat her like any other recruit, at least until practice is over.
Rainbow Dash waved a hoof at him.  "Psh, course I was!  I'm awesome!"
Soarin sighed.  This mare and her ego.
"We already know you are a great flyer Rainbow Dash, but how are you at synchro flying?" asked Soarin.
"Synchro what now?"
Soarin stared dumbfoundedly at the cyan pegasus.  "You know, when pegasi fly together in a specific pattern or set of movements?  As a wonderbolt, you have to do that a lot in aerial shows."
"Oh, right.  Well, I've never found anyone fast enough to keep up with me to try it out,"  Rainbow Dash said embarrassingly.
"Well then I assume you don't know what pegasus sense is then either.  Pegasus sense is the natural instinct to close your wings when an object gets too close to you when you're flying.  In order to do synchro flying, one must resist that urge to close their wings through lots of practice and training."
Rainbow groaned inwardly.  Ug, I never thought I would get lectured by a wonderbolt.  It isn't as bad as when Twilight does it though.
"Hey Dashie, do you trust me?" asked Soarin, regaining Rainbow Dash's attention and causing her to turn a slight shade of pink at the unusual question.
"Um, yeah I do."
"Okay, good. Now, I want you to gain some altitude and just cruise.  I'll come up next to you and I'll tell you where to go from there."
"Got it," Rainbow said as she flew into the sky and began to glide. 
Man, Equestria is so beautiful from here.  Suddenly, Rainbow Dash began to feel her wings growing numb and felt an odd urge to close them.  That's weird, I haven't been flying for too long.  The urge to clamp her wings shut became stronger, but Rainbow Dash forced them open.
"What's going on?!"  Rainbow Dash said aloud.
"Woah Dashie, it's just me."
Rainbow Dash looked down to Soarin flying underneath her, belly-side up.

"Rainbow Dash looked down to Soarin flying underneath her, belly-side up

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Not mine, got it from deviantART.

"Soarin!  I thought you said you'll be flying next to me, not under me?!"
"Heh heh, sorry about that.  Are you feeling any strange sensations yet?"
"Yeah, I reaally want to close my wings right now," Rainbow Dash said nervously.
"That's your pegasus sense. You gotta fight the urge to.  Now Rainbow, I'm going to fly in closer to you until we are a hoof apart.
"What?!  But we'll practically be touching!" Rainbow Dash said frantically as she tried to keep gliding.
"That's the idea.  In synchro flying, pegasi have to fly extremely close to each other.  After I get close enough, we'll both do a flip on the count of three, kay?  I know you can do it Dashie,"  Soarin gave her a reassuring smile.
Rainbow Dash sighed, "Okay, let's get this over with."
Soarin began to gradually fly closer to Rainbow Dash, till there was only a little bit of space between them.  Rainbow Dash couldn't take it anymore, so she closed her eyes, her heart beating fast.  C'mon Rainbow, it's almost over.
"On the count of three, we both do a flip away from each other.  Ready, one... two.. THREE!!!" Soarin commanded as the two pegasi immediately pulled away from each other into a flip.  Rainbow Dash instantly felt her pegasus sense evaporate as she completed the move.  The two pegasi landed on a cloud, breathless.
"Not bad for a pegasus who has never done synchro flying before," Soarin said impressively.
"Thanks.  I really dislike this pegasus sense thingy though," Rainbow Dash said as she stretched her wings.
"Yeah it takes some getting used to, but with a little practice you'll be flying in aerial patterns in no time.  I think that's all the training for today Dashie, where should we meet up next time?" Soarin asked, glad to finally drop his professional act.
"How about Ponyville?  We have open skies too, and don't forget about Sugar Cube Corner's amazing pies," suggested Rainbow.
"Pie? Did you say pie?  Ponyville it is then!" Soarin said ecstatically.
Rainbow let a giggle of amusement slip. Just mention pie and Soarin will say yes to anything.
"Okay fly boy, I gotta get back to my friends now, but I'll see you at the same time next week in Ponyville!"  Rainbow Dash said before flying home.
"Ok, catch you later Dash!" Soarin said before returning to headquarters.
Back at the wonderbolts base, all the members were on break in the mess hall when Soarin returned.  As Soarin made his way towards the mess hall, he ran into Fleetfoot and Spitfire.
"Oh, hey Soarin!  How'd your training session go with the recruit?  I heard she's very dashing," Fleetfoot asked with a smirk.
Ugg, not Fleetfoot too!
"Yeah Soar, you were out training for so long we thought you might've went home with her," Spitfire teased.
"Ha, ha.  Very funny you two," Soarin said sarcastically as he quickly disappeared into the crowd in the mess hall so he wouldn't have to be interrogated further.
Author's note: well looks like all that flying played it off huh?

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