The Heart's Warming Ball

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author's note: welcome everyone to the Heart's Warming Eve Ball, I hope you all have a wonderful time here in th his ball.

It was Hearth's Warming Eve, and the girls were at Carousel Boutique getting ready for the ball.
"Ouch! Rarity... Ow! Don't... Ouch! Tug so... Ow! Hard!" Rainbow Dash complained, as Rarity brushed out her mane.
"I'm sorry Rainbow my dear, but your mane is in such a tangled state and you must look presentable at the ball!" Rarity said as she untangled the knots in her mane.
"Ugh, fine."
After several minutes of complaining and pain, Rainbow Dash walked out of the dressing room with Rarity and joined the others.
"Wow Dashie! You look, well, dashing!" Pinkie Pie complimented.
"Thanks Pinkie, you look nice yourself!" Rainbow replied.
"Why, we all look simply divine!  It seems our old gala dresses haven't lost their magic touch at all," Rarity approved.
"Well, we all have you to thank Rarity." Twilight smiled.
"Why, Twilight! You're too kind!" Rarity replied, blushing slightly from the compliment.
"Um, sorry to interrupt, but how are we going to get to the ball?" Fluttershy asked.
"Uh, I may have used my charm again to get some lovely gentle colts to pull our carriage for us..." Rarity implied.
"Oh, right."
"We should be going now, don't want to be late for the biggest holiday bash of the year!" Rarity squealed.
"But the ball starts in two hours!" Rainbow Dash pointed out.
"Better to be early than late!" Rarity said as she boarded the carriage, flashing the two stallions at the front a flirtatious smile.
Rainbow rolled her eyes, and followed suit with her friends behind her.

"Ow! Not so tight, Spitfire! You're choking me!" Soarin complained as Spitfire tightened his tie around his neck.
"Sorry." she chuckled.
Soarin yanked his tie away from her and adjusted it himself.
"Why are we going through all this trouble again?" Soarin grumbled.
"Because we are required there by the Princess! Now come on, we don't want to be late." Spitfire said.
"They also have great pie there!" Fleetfoot added.
Soarin's ears perked up.  "Did you say pie? Then what are we waiting for! Let's go!"
He sped out of the room and flew towards Canterlot.
"Knew that would get his attention." Fleetfoot snickered to Spitfire as they flew after him.

The carriage pulled up in front of the Canterlot castle, its rooftops lightly dusted with glistening snow and colorful lights lined the walls.
"Woah..." Rainbow Dash breathed, causing the window to fog up.
The six friends piled off the carriage, and stared in awe at the scenery.
"I can't believe I'm really here?!" Rarity said before fainting dramatically on her fainting couch.
"I know, right!  Now let's hurry inside before we catch a cold," Twilight said before galloping through the doors into the inviting warmth.
Inside, a pony was announcing the arrival of each pony using the royal Canterlot voice.  Twilight whispered into his ear, and the stallion cleared his throat.
"Please welcome Princess Twilight Sparkle, and her friends Ms. Applejack, Ms. Rarity, Ms. Pinkie Pie, Ms. Fluttershy, and Ms. Rainbow Dash!" he announced, in a booming voice.
All the chatter in the room stopped as all heads turned to look upon the arrival of the princess.  Twilight gulped, and waved to the crowd nervously.
"You guys have fun, I'll be with the princesses." Twilight whispered to her friends before making her way over to her throne next to Cadence's.
"Did he just call me Ms. Rainbow Dash?!" Rainbow said in surprise.
"Why yes, darling!  It's tradition to announce everypony like that, not just you," Rarity said, "Now you go find your handsome hunk of a Wonderbolt."
"Rarity! He's not mine!" Rainbow Dash protested, her face growing red.
"Not yet of course, but he is handsome isn't he?" she said smirking.
"Uh, well, I guess he is pretty handsome and kinda cute-ah!" Rainbow Dash stuffed her hoof in her mouth as she realized what she just said.
"So you do find him attractive," Rarity said smugly.
"Fine, maybe I do.  That doesn't mean I like him or anything!  I'm going to go get some food now," Rainbow said before making her way to the buffet table.

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