An Unexpected Sleepover

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Author's note: just so you know soarin is sleeping over at rainbow Dash's house for today, just until the storm clears away.
And the soarindash is getting even closer and closer then ever. 😉😉😉😉

An Unexpected Sleepover PreviousChapters Next
Several weeks passed by since Soarin and Rainbow Dash's last practice, and Dash's synchro flying improved immensely. The two always went to Sugar Cube Corner after practice, and no more accidents occurred again. This week though was the last training session before the Wonderbolts' Hearth's Warming break, and both pegasi wanted to make it count as much as possible.
'I can't believe this is my last training session with Soarin before Hearth's Warming break! Everything went by so fast!' Rainbow Dash thought as she flew to their usual meeting spot in the sky. 'Well, I might as well make the most of it.'
Rainbow saw Soarin already waiting for her, his back turned. A sly grin formed at the corners of Rainbow Dash's muzzle, and she flew silently towards Soarin. Once she was close enough, Rainbow pounced on him.
"BOO!" Rainbow Dash yelled.
"Wah!" Soarin cried, as he flew straight up.
He immediately came back down as Rainbow laughed herself to tears, a smug look on her face.
"I guess you got me back, huh Dashie?"
"C'mon Soarin, you knew it was coming. No one scares Rainbow Dash and gets away with it, even a prestige Wonderbolt like you." she replied, playfully swatting his chin with her tail.
Soarin rolled his eyes. "You ready to start our training?"
"You bet!" Rainbow said, but with a little less enthusiasm, remembering that it would be a while till their next training session.
"Okay Rainbow, you ready for something truly spectacular?"
"Like my sonic rainboom?"
"No, even more awesome than that."
"What could possibly be more amazing than a sonic rainboom?!" Rainbow Dash said incredulously.
"Trust me, once we do this, it'll put the sonic rainboom to shame. Now, both of us are going to gain altitude, then freefall next to each other as you do your sonic rainboom while I do my signature move, the electric blaze," Soarin explained.
"Uh, are you sure this is safe?" asked Rainbow nervously.
"Positive. We do this a lot in practice actually. Are you ready to try it out?" asked Soarin.
"Yeah," Rainbow Dash as she took off into the sky.
Soarin took off after her, and the two flew parallel to each other as they gained altitude. Once they were high enough, both pegasi began to free fall letting gravity take over. Rainbow Dash could feel the familiar sting of her eyes from the wind, as her momentum increased. Soarin flew right next to her, his mane flapping wildly in the wind. Rainbow Dash began to see a cone of air form around her and Soarin, Equestria growing closer by the second. Rainbow Dash gave a final push of her wings, and she and Soarin broke the sound barrier, rainbows and electricity erupting from all sides in an awestrucking display. A rainbow and lightning streak trailed behind Rainbow Dash and Soarin as they landed on a cloud, out of breath. Rainbow looked up to see both of their explosions expanding far over Equestria for everypony to see.

  Rainbow looked up to see both of their explosions expanding far over Equestria for everypony to see

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