Returning to Ponyville

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Returning to Ponyville PreviousChapters Next
Rainbow Dash woke up to sunlight streaming through the window and birds chirping in the trees.  She groaned, and turned over so she wasn't facing the sun and buried her face into her pillow. 
'Why does Celestia have to raise the sun so darn early? Wait a minute... how did I even get back here in the first place!' 
Rainbow woke with a start, trying to remember the events of last night. 
'All I remember was that Soarin treated me to dinner last night and afterwards we had a night flight and looked at the moon.  Wait, did Soarin carry me all the way back here?!' 
Rainbow Dash flew out of bed and quickly got ready, packed up her things, and trotted out the door.  She had to find Soarin and ask him about what happened last night before she left for Ponyville.
Soarin kept walking through the West Tower, trying to ignore all the annoying questions that kept spilling out of Surprise's mouth.
"Sooo... did you ask Rainbow Dash out?'
"Did she say yes?"
"Did ya kiss her?"
'Spitfire is sooo going to get it.'
"No Surprise!  Rainbow and I aren't involved in anything like that!  I just wanted to apologize for accusing her of a crime that she didn't commit ok!  Now leave me alone!" yelled Soarin before streaking out of the West Wing. 
Once he made sure that Surprise wasn't following him anymore, he let himself relax as he trotted towards the East Tower to check on Spitfire's packing, for the wonderbolts needed to leave for Cloudsdale in less than an hour.  As he approached Spitfire's room, he saw Rainbow Dash leave her room to return back to Ponyville.  Soarin gulped and tried to act natural.  Things were about to get awkward.
Rainbow Dash didn't have to walk far to find Soarin.  In fact, he was walking towards her.  Rainbow trotted over to meet him, a relieved look on her face.
"Good morning Soarin!"
"Good morning Rainbow Dash."
"Hey, I was just wondering about last night.  The last thing I remember was looking at the moon before I fell asleep, and this morning I woke up in my bed.  Did you... carry me all the way back here?"  Rainbow Dash asked sheepishly.
Soarin began to blush as he recalled the events of last night.  "Oh yeah, I did.  I didn't want to wake you up, so I just decided to bring you back here myself."
"Oh, thanks.  Sorry I fell asleep on you like that."
"It's ok, yesterday really was an exhausting day."
"Hey, if you ever tell anypony about what happened last night, I'll kill you" Rainbow warned, looking him in the eye.
Soarin gulped.  "Got it, Dashie."
Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. 
'He isn't ever going to let me up on that nickname is he, although I don't mind as much when he says it.  Oh stop it Dash, focus!' 
"Well, I have to head back over to Ponyville.  Can't leave the weather team without their captain forever can I."
"Us wonderbolts have to head back to Cloudsdale too.  Speaking of which, there will be a wonderbolt reserve training session tomorrow at our headquarters."
"Really?  How come I didn't get any word from Spitfire about it?"
"He he, I may have told you the news a little early.  Spitfire is sending out the notification letter today.  Don't tell her I told you!" Soarin said frantically.
"Course I won't ya big goof!  I guess that means I'll see you tomorrow at headquarters!"  Rainbow Dash said with a grin.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow Dashie!" said Soarin as he left to go check on Spitfire.  He reached her room and knocked on the door.
"Hey Spit it's me, Soarin.  Just checking on how your packing is going cause we have to leave for Cloudsdale soon."
Spitfire opened the door with her two saddle bags on her back, a knowing look on her face.
"All set to go Soarin, and next time do try to not reveal wonderbolt plans early to reserves," Spitfire said with a wink.
Soarin's face grew red with embarrassment.  "H-how did you know?"
"The door isn't that thick ya know."
"Oh.  Well, she would've found out sooner or later today anyway, and did you really have to tell Surprise about last night!  Now she's trying to pair us together and she won't stop bothering me about it!" Soarin said angrily.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Spitfire said innocently.  "Come on, we have to get back to headquarters now."
Soarin sighed, and followed Spitfire out of the wing to join the other wonderbolts so they could return to Cloudsdale.
"Now Sassy Saddles, I have to return to Ponyville with Rainbow Dash soon, but I want you to make sure that everypony knows about my new detective fashion line here at Canterlot Boutique," said Rarity, as she fixed the position of a hat on a mannequin's head using her magic.
"Why of course Rarity, you're detective line will be all the rage in Canterlot!" Sassy Saddles reassured her.
Suddenly, the door banged open as Rainbow Dash rushed inside. "Hi Rarity, ready to go back to Ponyville?  Oh hey Sassy Saddles," said Rainbow Dash, not noticing the two desperately balancing the clothing displays with their magic from the impact of the door banging.
"Rainbow Dash!  I thought I told you to open that door gently!" exclaimed Rarity in annoyance.
"Oops, sorry about that.  Ready to go?" Rainbow Dash asked impatiently.
"Why yes, but I do need some help with my luggage," said Rarity as she pointed to a towering pile of baggages. 
Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as she picked up one of the luggages.
"C'mon Rarity, we're going to miss the train!"
"But what about the rest of my luggages?"
"Ugh, can't you just use your magic to levitate them?  We have to go now!" Rainbow said, as she flew out the door.
Rarity sighed as she levitated her tower of luggages.
"Good bye Rarity!" said Sassy Saddles.
"Till next time Sassy Saddles," Rarity replied, as she waltzed out the door, her tower levitating behind her.
The two ponies barely made it onto the train before it pulled out of the station.
"Whew, that was a close one!" exclaimed Rarity, as she settled down into one of the seats.
"Well, we would've gotten here earlier if somepony didn't bring so many luggages," Rainbow Dash grumbled.
"Well I never!  What if you're absolutely desperate to curl your lashes, and you realize that you didn't bring your eyelash curler!" pointed out Rarity.
"Uh, what's an eyelash curler?"
Rarity faced hoofed. "You really need to look into makeup more, darling."
About an hour later, the train pulled into the Ponyville station.  Rarity and Rainbow Dash got off the train to find the rest of their friends waiting there already. Before anypony could react, Pinkie Pie tackled Rainbow Dash and Rarity to the ground, a hysterical look on her face.
"You guys are back, I can't believe it?! Do you still remember me?  Oh please, oh please remember me!  I wanted to go see you guys, but Twilight wouldn't let me and oh, I'm just so glad to see you!" Pinkie squealed, as she hugged Rainbow Dash and Rarity tightly.
"Of course we remember you Pinkie!  And we've only been gone for two days!" wheezed Rainbow Dash, as Pinkie squeezed the life out of them.
"Calm down Pinkie!" Twilight said, as she pulled her away from the two using her magic.  "It's great to see you girls again.  How did the trip go?"
Oh, it went splendid! Sassy Saddles is managing the boutique wonderfully!  It's now become the top shop in Canterlot!" Rarity exclaimed, as the group began to walk away from the train station, Rainbow Dash hovering above them.
"Yeah it went pretty well, except for Wind Rider framing me for sending away Spitfire and the wonderbolts almost banishing me.  Other than that, it was pretty awesome," Rainbow said casually.
"WHAT?!" everyone exclaimed except Rarity.
"Why'd they almost banish you?" asked Applejack.
"who is Wind Rider?" Fluttershy said meekly.
"Oh, just you wait till I get my hooves on those wonderbolts!" yelled Pinkie Pie as she shook her hoof.
"Woah, woah, woah!  Hold your horses everypony!  The wonderbolts almost banished me because it's their policy, Wind Rider is a living legend that actually turned out to be a backstabber, and the wonderbolts already made it up to me by letting me fly in Wind Rider's place in the show last night!" Rainbow said defensively.
All her friends looked at one another and shrugged.
"If ya say so Rainbow, but if ya ever need us ya'll be here for ya," said Applejack.
"Speaking of last night, where were you Rainbow?  I didn't see you at the after party in the castle gardens.  Now that I think about it, I didn't see that wonderbolt stallion either.  What was his name again? Soarin?" asked Rarity.
"You mean the stallion that Dashie saved his pie for at the gala?" recalled Pinkie Pie.
"Why yes!  She also saved him at the Young Fliers Competition when she did her sonic rainboom," said Rarity.
"Didn't you also help him get back in the Equestria Games at Rainbow Falls?" squeaked Fluttershy.
"And I swear I saw you two dancing together at my brother and Cadence's wedding," reflected Twilight.
Rainbow Dash began to turn a slight shade of red. 
"Um, yeah that's him.  I forgot to tell you that Soarin treated me to dinner last night as a further apology for accusing me earlier," she said quickly, leaving out the part that they had a night flight.
"Well, that's real nice of him," said Applejack.
"Are you sure that's all that happened?" Rarity asked with a smirk, making the heat on Rainbow Dash's face intensify.
"Yes, that's all!" Rainbow said forcefully.
"Are you sure Dashie? Cause if I didn't know better, I'd say you have a crush on him," Pinkie Pie blurted.
"Pinkie!" Twilight yelled as she gave her the look.
"Whaaat? I do know better though, so I'd say that he has a crush on you too!"
Rainbow raised her wings in alarm.
"What?! C'mon you guys, this is me we're talking about.  I'm the coolest, fastest, awesomest pony around, and falling in love just isn't cool!" objected Rainbow.  "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a wonderbolt reserve training session tomorrow, so I need to go home and get some shuteye.  See ya!"
Rainbow Dash streaked through the air and flew home as fast as she could, leaving her friends giggling down below.
"Ooo, she's got it bad," snorted Applejack.
Rainbow Dash landed smoothly on the front porch of her house, glad to be home.  She went to get the mail from the mailbox, pushed open the door, and set the mail down on a table.
"Tank, I'm back!" Rainbow said gleefully, as she searched for her pet tortoise. Although he may not have been the pet she dreamed of at first, he was practically family to her now.  Tank slowly emerged from behind the couch, giving Rainbow Dash a dopey smile.
"C'mere you, I've missed ya forever!" Rainbow Dash said, as she rubbed his head with her hoof.
"Tank, sometimes my friends can be soooo annoying!  They were just trying to pair me and Soarin together!  I mean, now that I think about it, we did have a lot of experiences with each other, but they don't mean anything, right?"
Tank just gave her patient smile.
"Oh, who am I kidding!  I'm probably just overthinking this, and I bet Soarin has a special somepony already."  Rainbow Dash reassured herself.
Rainbow fluttered over to where she set down the mail and began sorting through it.
"Taxes, advertisements, random letters, aha! Here it is!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she held Spitfire's letter triumphantly in her hoof.  She quickly tore open the letter and began to read.
Dear Rainbow Dash,
As you probably know already thanks to Soarin, tomorrow there will be a wonderbolt reserve training session at our headquarters.  Please be there by 9:30 am sharp.  Be prepared for a challenging training session, I know you can handle it.  I also want to thank you personally for coming to get me from the Crystal Mountains.  If it weren't for you, I probably would still be stuck there looking the Ice Iris.  Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at practice.
Spitfire, Captain of the Wonder bolts.
'Who told Spitfire?  Eh, doesn't matter.  I can't wait for practice tomorrow!' Rainbow squealed to herself as she climbed into bed with Tank by her side.
"Good night Tank," Rainbow Dash whispered softly before drifting off to sleep, her dreams filled with visions of flying with the wonderbolts once more.

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